Chapter 3

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His dark boots quickly dashed across the hard rock...

The screams still echoing off the walls...

He stopped running at where the rock dissolved into the water. His heart beat fast as his head turned side to side...searching. 

His black shaded locks rushed past his eyes as he looked left and right. His silver streaks blocking his eye view. He pulled it out of the way just as a mysterious figure came into eye view.

He looked closer at the cliff's wall. His feet took off through the water.

He slid across the rock kneeling down besides the young boy.

"Hello?" he asked. When the boy didn't answer he brought his head down just over his blood covered chest. A loud heart beat vibrated through his ears. His head popped up and glanced away from the boy and towards the water. His arms wrapped around the boy and raised him above the ground. He carefully laid him down beside the water. His hands dove into the cool stream, and came out with a handful of water. He brought it over the boy's face, and gently let the water slide out of his hands and over the boy's lips. 

After a few moments, coughs erupted from the boy's lips. The water splashing out, along with a red fluid. The boy's eyes slowly flew open and grew with confusion.

"You....who...?" The boy's head drifted back before he could say anything else.

The young man stood up and looked around, deciding whether or not to help this kid. He looks down at the boy's  pale face and quickly decides to bend down and gently pick up his body and throw him over his shoulders. Once he was comfortable, his legs took off back to where they came.

Maka's limp head slowly turns to the side towards the door as it UN bolted, and slid across the floor. Feet slowly walked into the room, and surrounded the table. I looked up. All the figures wore the same dark black cloaks. Their faces were darkened by eachother's shadows. 

She glanced from one to the other when one hood stood out from the rest. A large white arrow ran down the top of the cloak all the way around towards the floor. Blonde streaks showed through the dark of the inner cloak. 

The figure's thin, light tanned arms rouse from beneath the table and towards her head. Her fingers hooked around the sides and slowly pulled back. 

A gasp escaped maka's throat as Medusa's golden eyes stared down into Maka's.  

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