Chapter 11

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Soul reached his hand up and gripped the edge of the cliff. He pulled up and threw his leg over the side. A hard pain spread up his leg through the rest of his body, but that didn't stop him from rolling onto his back onto flat ground. He listened as Phoenix climbed up the cliff and sat beside him. 

"Whats so special about her?" Phoenix mutters.

Soul turns his head towards him, "What?"

"M-Maka...What makes her so special that you have to risk your life for her?" He asks.

Soul looks up at the dim sky, "She's my partner"

"JUST...your partner?" 

Soul lets out a sigh, "She's my friend and as much as I wish-" He stopped. "Why the hell am i telling you this?" He looks at Phoenix.

Phoenix stands up, "How would I know, your the one spilling your guts, not me" He laughs. 

Soul grins.

"So whats she like?"

"Your just not going to give up are you?"

"If im going to help you save this girls life..."

"Yeah yeah I get it"


Soul takes a deep breath, "She's...nerdy, and too smart for her own good, She thinks way too much, all she thinks about is the mathematics to fighting, her dad is freakin crazy......."


"And...she's....a...fighter, shes brilliant, and courageous. She's the most selfless person i have ever met...and...I-" Suddenly they both hear this earsplitting scream. Soul ignores the pain and leaps up from the ground.

"What the hell was that?" PHoenix asks nervously.


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