Chapter 20

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Words repeatedly written into her head. The words would fly across her eyes, as if she were suppose to know what they meant. 

"Her heart beats....but she's not living" Someone had said this, someone had said this very loudly. But who? She didn't know.  

These words would echoe off her skull like a bullet.

But she felt no pain, no thoughts about what it meant.

Only that, it came out of nowhere.

Why couldn't she just move? Why couldn't she just speak? Why couldn't she just open her eyes? 

"How could you say that! She's lying right there!" Soul shouts at the top of his lungs.

The boy that had spoken had class with Soul and Maka, before all this ocurred. He use to have a small crush on the young girl, but never did anything about it, and overtime it slowly vanished. But he went to far.

  Soul brought his arm up, allowing his fist to make contact with the boy's face. 

As soon as he hit the floor, Stein and Spirit appeared in the doorway. Stein helped the boy up while Spirit ran over to Soul trying to hold him back from making any more damage to the boy. 

"Dont you ever say that!" Soul shouts over Spirit's words to try and relax him, "She's fine! She's fine....she's..." He fell silent and let his legs fall from beneath him as he fell to the ground.

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