Chapter 6 (Rewritten)

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Chapter 6



Arabella looks at me with fear-stricken eyes and for a brief moment, a strange pang of guilt hits me. I'd spoken without realizing it was her. Though that shouldn't make a difference. Why should I feel guilty about anything I say to her or anyone else?

"What the hell?" The new voice sends the strange feeling away. "Leave her alone." I examine the guy standing beside Arabella, just realizing his presence. His height almost matches mine, but I beat him by a few inches. He's muscular, but I'm more so. His too perfect blonde hair instantly irritates me, and his blue eyes are filled with fire as he glares at me. Looking at his blue and gold letterman jacket, he's a jock of some kind. I already hate the guy. "It was a mistake." He continues. "We're just trying to take our friend home." I look at the girl awkwardly propped up between the two of them. Her head lolls to one side as she squints at me, obviously on the verge of passing out. "We're sorry." He apologizes. "Let's go Arabella." Arabella jumps at the sound of her name as she finally breaks her terrified eyes away from me. They stumble as they struggle to get the drunk girl outside.

"Who was that?" Jace asks coming up behind me. "She's kinda hot." He says looking after Arabella.

I scoff before taking the beer he got me."Like I said earlier, don't waste your time." I take a sip of the beer.

"That's her?" His eyes grow wide. "That's the girl you were talking about earlier? You're a real asshole for not introducing me."

"I'm the asshole because you weren't in the right place at the right time?"

"Did you see how short that dress was?" He groans as he licks his lips and I frown with disgust.

"This is where I ditch you. You're starting to make me sick. Good luck on your conquests." I leave Jace and merge into the crowd. I don't understand why he's wasting his time on Arabella. Someone as pure and innocent as she is will never be interested in someone like him.


Brad helps with getting Jess into the backseat. She lets out an annoyed groan as she lays across the seat and I make sure her legs are out of the way before closing the door. I sigh as I look at my best friend through the window. If she didn't mention getting wasted earlier, I would feel bad for her, but this is clearly what she wanted.

"Thanks for your help." I say. "I'd probably still be struggling to get her out of there. That or I'd be sprawled out on the ground under her weight." I laugh lightly.

"Well she's kind of my friend too, so it's the least I could do." He shrugs. He smiles at me for a moment before it fades and look of concern replaces it. "About what Derek said in there... Are you okay?"

"Oh that? Yeah." I wave my hand in dismissal. "I'm sure he didn't really mean it. It was just his natural reaction, you know." I shrug it off, but honestly, I can't help thinking about it. I know little to nothing about Derek. Who's to say whether he was serious or not? Considering he's killed someone, I'm sure breaking my legs wouldn't be much of an issue. But perhaps I'm just being dramatic.

"Well the guy is a lunatic. You should try taking extra care to avoid him for a while, just to be safe."

"Right." I agree, leaving out the fact that I'm meant to be tutoring Derek. Though after tonight, I think I want to tutor him even less than before.

"Well, it was nice meeting you Arabella." He smiles as he says my name correctly. "I'll see you around?" He raises his brow as if waiting for a reply.

Should he be seeing me around? We're a part of two completely different social classes. People like him don't hang out with people like me. Jess is an exception considering we were best friends long before she became popular, but even so there are times like tonight when she ditches me for her "cooler" friends. What game is he playing here?

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