Chapter 7 (Rewritten)

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Chapter 7

Getting Comfortable


I move closer to her towering over her small frame. She looks up at me with big, fear filled brown eyes, but she stands her ground. She's terrified of me, despite agreeing to come here and tutor me. Even so, she doesn't let me intimidate her unlike everyone else.

"Listen, my life would be much easier if you didn't act like I was holding you at gun point. I'm not going hurt you. I'm a normal guy."

"You're far from what's considered normal. Normal guys don't kill people or have temperament issues. You're like a ticking time bomb, Derek. I never know what might set you off. You can't blame me for being scared."

"I killed one person!" She jumps slightly at my outburst. "It's not like I just go around killing people." I continue, trying to keep calm so not to scare her and make things worse. "I'm not some psycho on a rampage. I go to school like a normal teenage guy. I go to parties like a normal teenage guy. I decide not to do my homework and risk failing like a normal teenage guy. I'm normal, Arabella. Things would be much easier for the both of us if you treated me that way."

I hate that everyone thinks I'm some kind of serial killer. I killed one man because Gavin told me to. I didn't want to kill him. I wish more than anything that I hadn't. But I had to do what Gavin asked. I just wish some of the blame was put on him instead of it all being on me. I wish people understood that I didn't have a choice.

"What's going on?" Charles calls as he rushes up the stairs. "I heard yelling." He stands beside Arabella as he breathes somewhat heavily from running up the stairs.

"Nothing." I answer with a sigh. "I didn't do anything to her."

"Everything is fine." Arabella reassures him.

"Charles, how about you retire as my probation officer and become her bodyguard?" I ask.

"Very funny." He mutters. "How about you go put on a shirt? There's a lady present."

"Oh, I'm sure Arabella enjoys the eye candy." Arabella's cheeks immediately turn a shade of pink as she tries to keep her eyes trained on the ground. "But I dare say you're jealous, Charles. Why else would you want me to cover up in my own house?" I smirk as I lean against the door frame. Charles isn't exactly on the heavy side, but a couple days in the gym wouldn't hurt him. "I don't mind if you admire the physique."

"Funny." Charles replies sarcastically as he shakes his head, but he can't hide the small smile on his face.

My cell begins to ring, and I immediately rush to answer it. Before I can get to it, Charles swipes it off my nightstand. He looks at the caller ID and frowns.

"Who's calling you?" He asks, showing me the unidentifiable number on the screen. It's Gavin, just as I expected. This exact situation is the reason I memorize every number and don't keep names listed in my phone.

"I don't know." I shrug. "Don't recognize it. Just let it go to voice mail."

"No. Answer it." He hands the phone to me. "On speaker."

I stare at him for a moment then glance over at Arabella who remains in the hallway. She looks between me and Charles, a slight look of concern on her face.


"Answer it, Derek." Charles demands.

I answer the phone and put it on speaker like he asks before saying, "You've reached Derek Knight, who's calling?" I try to keep my face expressionless as my nerves get worse. Gavin will know not to say anything right? If he knows me at all, he'll know something isn't right.

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