Chapter 24 (Awkward)

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Chapter 24


Derek's P.O.V*

I stayed with the little girl until she became a little calmer. I looked around and saw that they guy who's carried out my job was gone. I picked up the girl and brought her over to my bike. I sat on the seat and I climbed on behind her. I placed my hands on my handle bars, creating a barrier for the girl. I took off towards the police station.

I pulled up a little ways away from the station and let the girl off my bike. She sniffled and rubbed her nose.

"There's the police station." I told her. "Go in there and they'll take care of you."

"But my daddy..." She sniffled, frowning.

"The police will take care of everything. I promise. Go ahead."

I gave the girl a slight push towards the station. She turned from me and slowly began towards the station. I watched until she walked through the doors. Then I headed home.

I can only imagine what Gavin will say when he finds out I didn't do as he asked. I couldn't do it. Not with that little girl there. I'm not that heartless.


The next morning I jumped awake to the sound of a loud siren. My eyes adjusted to the sudden brightness of the room, then landed on Charles with an air horn.

"What the hell?" I asked, glaring at him.

"You skipped a day." He said. "I'm not letting it happen again. This is a wakeup call. Get dressed and head out. I'll be waiting at the school's entrance to make sure you come."

I groaned in frustration as I forced myself out of bed. This probation thing is really starting to piss me off. I still have 9 more months of this left.

I showered and dressed in jeans and a red sweatshirt. I styled my hair into it's usual quiff then went downstairs to grab breakfast.

"Where's Arabella?" Christine asked as I rummaged through the fridge. "I got home late last night and assumed she was asleep. But now she hasn't come down yet."

Surprisingly, I'd forgotten about the breakup. Charles's wakeup call got me frazzled. I don't want to go to school today. I want to face her just yet. The hurt expression on her face is still haunting me.

"She's not here." I answered, trying to keep the sadness out of my voice. "She went home yesterday."

"Well that's too bad. I wish I could have said goodbye to her. Tell her I said hi, okay?"

I didn't say a word as I turned and walked out the door. I wonder how she'll look today? Has she moved on from me already? I wouldn't be surprised if she and Brad are already dating. She has a soft spot for him and he's obviously in love with her.

I arrived at school and sure enough, Charles was at the entrance waiting for me. I parked my bike and walked into the school, ignoring Charles. I headed towards Arabella's locker, just to catch a glimpse at her. She's always at her locker in the mornings.

I looked around the corner and there she was, talking to Jess. Her hair is no longer red, it's brown, her natural color. She wore her usual style of jeans, a hoodie, and sneakers. Her hair was pulled back into a ponytail.

At this time I'd have my arms wrapped around her and my lips pressed against hers. Does she feel the same need for me like I feel for her? Every second I'm wishing I hadn't broken up with her.

Brad walked up to her and leaned against the lockers as he talked to her. I could tell by his stance that he's flirting. By the look on Arabella's face, which is a sad expression, she isn't buying into it. She waved to Brad before walking away with Jess by her side.

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