Chapter 28 (Vanquished) Part 1

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Chapter 28


Derek's P.O.V*

I stared at Arabella's tear streaked face. How could she possibly expect me to kill her? I can't do that. I love her too much.

"Arabella..." I started.

"Just do what you have to." Arabella cut me off. "I won't hold it against you."

"Awe, how sweet." Frank said sarcastically. "Young love is so precious. Now, let's get back to business."

Frank handed his gun off to Jace. He then slowly approached me. He stood in front of me with a conniving smirk for a moment before punching me in the jaw. I stumbled back, a little surprised. I rubbed my jaw for a moment before coming back and punching him.

He recovered faster than I expected and punched me in the stomach, causing me to cough. His strength is equal to mine if not a little stronger. I'm not sure if I can win this one. But that may not be so bad if he's going to make me kill Arabella if I win.

He punched me in the jaw repetitively until I fell to my knees, feeling dizzy. I felt blood running down my cheek and figured he broke the skin when he hit me.

"Are you even trying?" Frank asked.

"Are you?" I grinned.

He punched me again, knocking me to the ground. I rolled onto my back and stared up at the ceiling.

"You're not trying." Frank said, grabbing a fistful of my shirt and pulling me to my feet.

"I'm not going to take part in this stupid game of yours. You'll have to kill me."

"If that's how you want to play it, then I will. Just not the way you're hoping. Jace, would you like to do the honors?"

"Sure boss, though it's such a waste."

Jace pulled his gun from it's holster and pointed it to the back of Arabella's head. I reached for it, but Frank gripped me tight.

"Well if you'd like to have some first, be my guest."

"Thanks boss. I'll take you up on your offer."

Jace swiftly untied Arabella's hands and ankles. He pulled her from her chair and she struggled in his grasp.

"Jace, don't." I begged. "This isn't what you do."

"You don't know me Derek. You only think you do."

"Stop! Let me go!" Arabella screamed, as he forcibly dragged her away. "Derek!" The fear on her face broke my heart. She's screaming for me to help her and I can't.

"Awe, listen to her scream you're name." Frank said with low chuckle.

"Derek!" Arabella screamed once more.

"Say goodbye because you'll never see her again." Frank said, as he made me watch Arabella be dragged upstairs.

Arabella's P.O.V*

I fought against Jace's grasp as he practically dragged me up the stairs. My shoulder throbbed where the bullet lodged into it. My energy is slowly depleting from the blood loss, but that's not going to keep me from fighting him.

I heard a door open and soon I was flung onto a nearby couch. I bounced a little before standing and running for the door. Jace grabbed me around my waist and pushed me back onto the couch. He shut the door and locked it behind him.

I looked around the room, noticing it's about the size of a medium walk-in closet. There's only this old couch and a light with a string.

"Why are you doing this?" I asked.

"Because I've always thought you had a nice body. But for some reason you've were more interested in that marshmallow downstairs."

"Maybe it was because he wasn't just into my looks."

"Well, that doesn't matter anymore. Because I have you to myself. And I'll be the last person you'll be with before you die." he smirked.

He made his way over to me as he lifted his shirt over his head. I moved back, only to be stopped by the back of the couch. I pulled my legs up to my chest and held them close.

"Please don't." I said, my voice shaking from the fear.

"You won't be saying that for long." he smirked as he put his weight on top of me.

Derek's P.O.V*

I stared at the stairs where Jace dragged Arabella upstairs. What is he doing to her? Why is it he torturing her?

"Stop, please!" I heard Arabella scream in horror.

"Make him stop." I begged Frank. "Please."

"This is your fault. You failed to cooperate and challenged me. If you'd been like every other guy on my payroll, you would have done what you were told."

"I'm your son, not a guy on your payroll."

"You're right. You are my son and I expected more from you. I can already see that you're not going to give into me. So what use are you?"

He placed his gun against my temple and pulled the hammer back. I heard him sigh deeply as though he's sad at his thoughts.

"I really did want you to be a part of my team. Kill and rob people together. It's the new family business. But I see that you take after your mother. She was beautiful and sweet, just like your girl. I guess it's like father like son. It's just a shame that you couldn't be more like me."

So this is it? After living a life of hell, I find someone good for me and get her killed along with myself? Arabella deserves to live and be happy. I wish I never came along to ruin her life. I should have pushed her away like I do everyone else. Arabella, this sweet, loving girl who could brighten the worst of days, is going to die because of me. Because of me, her family will mourn and never be the same. I deserve to die. No one will miss her murderer. But Arabella is innocent.

"Would you like to say anything before I end your life?" Frank asked.

"Yeah," I started. "I accept that I'm going to die by your hand. After all, it's the least you could do after torturing me all those years. But Arabella... Arabella deserves to live. She deserves to be happy. So after you kill me, I beg you to let her go. That's all." I closed my eyes and heard the gun go off.


Hey guys! So I know you all probably hate me for making you wait for so long, and then giving you this crappy update. But whenever I come to the end of my books, I get writers block or procastinate because I just don't want it to end. So that's why this took me so long to update and I'm sorry. But anyway, I split this into two parts (like usually do for the endings) so that you guys didn't have to wait a minute longer. So please tell me your thoughts so far.

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