Sequel Announcement !!

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Hey there guys! I was originally planning on keeping the title of the sequel a secret, but honestly I'm just so freaking excited about it that I have to let you guys know. I've decided on a title and I hope you all approve of it. I have also started the first chapter and I'm halfway finished with it.

My original plan was to completely edit the first book, since there are some things that really need to change, and I still plan on doing that. But I don't want you guys to wait any more, because I really think you guys will like the sequel. For now, I will edit the last couple of chapters before posting the new book, so make sure you go back and read those before reading the sequel. My schedule for now is to finish at least two chapters of the sequel so that I'll be a little bit ahead. My goal is to have the sequel up within the next two weeks. So without further ado, here is the cover of the sequel and a sneak peak from the beginning of Chapter One.

 So without further ado, here is the cover of the sequel and a sneak peak from the beginning of Chapter One

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            I wrap a towel around my waist as I climb out of the shower. Beads of water drip from my hair and down my face. I grab a smaller towel and begin to dry my hair as I leave the bathroom. I smile at the sight of my beautiful girlfriend sitting cross-legged on the center of the bed, her light brown hair a tangled halo around her head. She rests her hands in her lap as she smiles at me.

            "Morning." I say as I give my hair one last shake with the towel.

            "Morning." She says, returning my smile as she moves to the edge of the bed. "I snuck in to brush my teeth and was tempted to join you in the shower, but I figured you'd want to be alone after having to share for so long." She stands and my t-shirt from yesterday falls just past her hips. She crosses the space between us and reaches up to wrap her arms around my neck.

            "A shower with my super-hot girlfriend?" I say as I wrap my arms around her waist. "I'd be up for that no matter what."

            I meet my lips with hers and she immediately kisses me back. I pull her closer, feeling the need to have her body flush against mine. I don't know how I survived without being able to touch her. So many times I just wanted break the glass and hold her to me, press my lips against hers and taste her again. I move my lips to her neck and make a trail of kisses, moving the shirt out of the way as I continue across her collar bone.

            I smile against her neck as a moan escapes her lips. I grab the hem of my shirt and lift it over her head before quickly meeting our lips back together. I drop the shirt to the floor and pull her body to mine. My skin feels as if it's on fire as her soft skin touches mine.

            "Derek." Arabella moans, her nails digging into my back causing a groan to escape my lips. Her hands slide down to the towel still wrapped around my waist. She grips onto the towel and pulls, the towel falling to my ankles.

            "Arabella, honey?" A man says, as the bedroom door opens.


I am so excited to share this next book with you guys! You have all been so patient and so kind, and I am truly blessed to have supporting readers like you. Thank you for taking the time out of your lives to read my work. I really wish I had a name for you guys haha, but I unfortunately I can't come up with anything. Anyway, thank you again for your support. See you all for 'My Husband Is My Savior' in September!!

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