Chapter 27 (Found) Part 1

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Chapter 27


Arabella's P.O.V*

I opened my eyes and squinted at the bright light. Once my eyes had adjusted, I realized I was tied to a chair. I looked around the room and saw a rusty, beat down car against the wall. A couple of rusty tools laid around it. Stacks of tires were around the room. The walls and floor were dirty. This must be an old car shop.

"You're awake." An unfamiliar voice said. I looked around but didn't see anyone. "I've been waiting to meet you for a while now." The voice continued. "Though we haven't met, I'm the one who sent you the letter a little while back."

"What do you want with me?" I asked.

"Nothing really." The voice said. "You're just my way to lead Derek here."

"Nice try, but he hates me. There's no way he's coming to rescue me."

"I'm not so sure about that. I've been watching him, watch you. He's very much still in love with you."

That's impossible. If he loved me, then why would he breakup with me? And he made it seem like I was just some other girl to him. Derek wouldn't hurt me like that if he loved me.

"I don't believe you." I said.

"Well I know him better than you do."

I heard footsteps coming closer and soon a gruesome man stood in front of me. Half of his face was badly burned, making him look a little deformed. He had short dark cropped hair and blue-green eyes. He was very muscular and looked to be somewhere in his forties.

"I know, I'm not exactly an easy sight to see." He grinned. "You can thank Derek for that."

"Derek did that?"

"Well he didn't cover me in alcohol and light the match. But his mother did it because he was too much of a coward to defend himself."

I recalled the story that Ms. Knight told me of her setting Derek's father on fire. This is what happened to him. This is the bastard who beat his wife and child to the point where they became broken, emotionally and physically.

"You're Derek's dad." I stated.

"I'm Frank Knight." He said in a greeting tone. "It's nice to finally meet you Arabella."

"I wish I could say the same."

What is this guys plan? What's the point of leading Derek here? What does he want with him.

"I'm not a bad guy." He said, pulling up a chair. He sat directly in front of me. "I'm actually pretty nice, when I want to be. Like now we're just chatting."

"No, I'm being held here against my will."

"True, but I haven't hurt you yet."

Yet? He's planning on hurting me later? Why? How? Can't he just let me go? I'm an innocent person who got into a relationship with the wrong person.

"Once Derek gets here, the fun will really start."


"I don't want to spoil the surprise." He smiled.

This guy is a psycho. I can't read him. You'd think he was just this nice ordinary guy, but he's not. He threatens you in a sweet voice which makes you slightly confused. If someone is coming for me, I hope they get here soon.

Derek's P.O.V*

I twisted back in forth in Charles's spinning desk chair. I plan on coming here every day until they find Arabella. I'm not going to miss out on any information they find out on her.

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