Chapter 25 (Moving On)

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Chapter 25

Moving On

Arabella's P.O.V*

It's almost been a month since Derek and I broke up. Just like my mom said, I'm not so heartbroken about it. Of course I still love Derek, I don't think I'll ever stop loving him, but I'm moving on. I can't be hung up over someone who doesn't want me. That'd be a waste of my time.

Lately I've been focused on school work and my friends. I hang out with Jess and Brad at least once a week. Brad has asked me twice now to hang out with him without Jess, but I tell him no. I'm not ready for another relationship just yet.

I walked to class with Brad and Jess. This has become an everyday thing. They walk me to class, then Brad walks Jess to her class. He says that some of his friends are upset that he spends more time with us now, but others thinks he's even cooler since he has a girl on each arm.

"I know it's not our day to hang out," Brad started once we were to my classroom. "but I wanted to know if you guys wanted to catch a movie tonight."

"Sure." I said. "I have nothing better to do."

"I can't." Jess said. "I have to take care of my grandmother tonight. My parents are going out and my brother has classes. But you two can still go. Don't let me hold you back."

Well this is going to be awkward. I can't back out now that I said I'm free, but I don't want to hang out with Brad alone. I have a feeling he'll want this to be a date, but I'm not ready to take that step just yet.

"Is that okay with you?" Brad asked me, breaking my thoughts.

"Uh, yeah." I hesitated.

"Then meet me at the theatre at 5:30." I nodded. "Let's go Jess or we'll be late."

They said goodbye to me before heading to their classes. I went inside the classroom and saw that the room was mostly full. Just like always, I glanced over at Derek's desk and saw him with his head down. With the way his back is moving steadily, he's obviously sleeping. I've noticed he's been very tired lately. I know that I shouldn't be worrying since we're not together. But I can't help it.

Derek's P.O.V*

There was a loud bang and I jumped awake. I looked around the room hazily then saw Mrs. Lewis glaring down at me.

"This is a place of learning Mr. Knight, not your bedroom. Now pay attention."

I sighed and leaned back in my desk as Mrs. Lewis returned to the board. I fought sleep as she gave her a lesson. If Gavin didn't have me up at all hours of the night, I wouldn't be so tired. I feel like I haven't slept in a week, which might be accurate.

I felt a gaze on me, but didn't bother to look to see who it is. I know it's Arabella. She does this every day. It's been almost a month now since I've broken her heart, but she's still holding on. I don't want her to move on to someone else, but maybe that's best. The faster she gets over me, the faster she can be happy again. That's all that I want for her.

She's been hanging out with Brad and Jess a lot. I see the way that she interacts with Brad, and it's clear that something will spark between them soon. It takes everything in me not to beat the living daylights out of him for flirting with Arabella, but then I remember that she's not mine anymore. And because she can't let me go completely, she can't have her chance at happiness with Brad.

Arabella's P.O.V*

When I got home I attempted to do my homework before going out tonight, but the butterflies in my stomach are causing me to get distracted. I can't help thinking about how tonight will go. It's not a date, just two friends hanging out, but Brad and I have been flirting a little here and there. What if this one night with just the two of us starts something? He said he'd wait for me no matter how long it takes, but I'm beginning to feel like he'll lose interest if I don't give him hope that we could be something more in the future.

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