Chapter 14 (Murders)

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Chapter 14


Arabella's P.O.V*

My cheeks burned red. My dad just burst in on a make out session with my boyfriend, who just happens to be the one person he hates.

"I didn't mention." I started. "Derek and I are kind of dating now."

"The hell you are!" My dad exclaimed. "He's a murderer and I'll be damned if I let you be another target on his list."

"I would never hurt her." Derek said, standing up.

"I bet you said that to Thomas Malfoy too."

I saw the anger clear on Derek's face. I saw his fist clench and unclench. I've noticed that he gets angry when people call him a murderer or mention the man that he killed. Derek took a step towards my dad and I reached out to take his hand.

"Calm down." I said in a soft voice. "I think you should leave. I'll walk you out."

I pushed past my dad and lead Derek out of my room. I lead him down the stairs and out the door. He pulled his hand from mine and went to lean against his bike.

"I'm sorry." I apologized to him.

"Your dad's a jerk." He said angrily. "He doesn't even know me and he wants to label me. I'm not a murderer."

"I believe you." I took his hand in mine. "That's all that should matter, right?"

He looked at me for a moment then nodded. I smiled and gave him a light kiss. I actually believe that he's not a murderer. With how angry he gets when they mention Thomas Malfoy, I feel like it may have been an accident or someone forced him into it. Derek may be a bad boy, but he has a gentle side too.

"Come home with me." He said, wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me to him.

"I can't. My dad is already pissed at me. I don't want to make it worse."

"Come on, take risks. What's the worst your parents can do?"

"Ground me, then we won't be able to go out."

"Tell them you're going out then leave before they can say anything. Don't you want to continue what we started?"

He grinned and began leaning in to kiss me. I moved away and he sighed. He reached out and took my hand.

"Fine, you're not ready for that." He said. "You're so innocent."

"Do you have a problem with that?"

"No. It's a little frustrating, but cute." I smiled. "I have to get home. I'll see you tomorrow." He met his lips with mine and I immediately kissed him back. The kiss seemed to last a little longer than it needed. "Bye."

Derek climbed on his motorcycle and left. I went back inside and found both of my parents waiting for me.

"You will not continue to see him, young lady." My dad said. "He's a murderer!"

"You don't know that." I said.

"Now he has you on his side! He's brainwashing you! Just a month ago you were afraid of him, now I catch you kissing him. I don't want you near him. We already let you work on a school project with him, but that's as far as it goes."

"But dad..."

"Stan." My mom cut me off. "Give her a break. Derek has people watching him. And he hasn't hurt her yet, so why would he do so now? Let's leave them alone and let's see how it pans out. If he seems to pose a threat, we'll worry about their relationship."

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