Chapter 1

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"Rhydian, Katie, come on you don't want to be late for your first day at school" Mrs Vaughn said. Mrs Vaughn is our new foster mother.

Rhydian and Katie had been in foster care since they were two, their parents had left them in the middle of the forest.

Katie made her way downstairs, she grabbed her school bag and a slice of toast. Her brother Rhydian joined her and they left the house.

Once Katie and Rhydian arrived at school, they went to the office.

"Hello. How can I help you" the lady in the office asked.

"Its our first day here. Were Katie and Rhydian Morris" Katie said.

"Of course." the lady said. "Mr Jeffries, the new students have arrived"

Mr Jeffries took Katie and Rhydian to the form room, were he went over the school rules and asked them to sign some paperwork. After that, the bell went and students walked into the class room. They all looked at Katie and Rhydian as they walked past. Katie noticed that one of the students didn't look at them, instead she walked over to her seat.

"Everyone, we have two new students joining us today. There names are Rhydian and Katie Morris." Mr Jeffries said. "Im guessing that they are from Wales"

"No" Rhydian answered.

"You both smell like my parents" someone said. Katie turned around and saw that it was the same girl who had ignored them when she walked in. The girl had long brown hair and hazel eyes.

"Ok, settle down. Find a seat, Maddy" Mr Jeffries said.


It was lunch time and Katie and Rhydian sat on their own table. Rhydian was sketching a wolf and Katie was looking at a magazine when three girls came over. Katie recognized them as Kara, Katerina and Kay.

"Hi Rhydian" Kay said

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"Hi Rhydian" Kay said. Rhydian was busy sketching and didn't really look up.

"Hi" Rhydian answered.

"Since you are new here you probably want some information about the school. We are the best people to ask, we know everything" Kara said.

"That weird girl who is sting at the table in the corner. Who is she?" Rhydian asked.

"Oh thats Maddy Smith. She lives in one of the country houses. The people that live there don't like questions and there all crazy" Kara said. "but why are we talking about them, lets talk about you... me and us"

"We found this model competition. Were all going to enter and we think that you two should as well" Kay said.

"Yeah, you just need a photo page" Katrina said.

"She means a portfolio" Kay said. Rhydian grabbed his sketch book and left the table. Katie looked at the three girls and smiled at them. She grabbed her magazine and left the canteen.

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