Chapter 10

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Katie watched as Rhydian went downstairs to join Tom and Shannon. Once Rhydian left, Katie went back to the bathroom.

"Maddy. Once Tom and Shannon have gone, I'm taking you home. I don't care what Rhydian said about staying here. I think your parents might be able to help you." Katie said. Maddy wasn't listening to Katie.

"No. I'm not going home. I need to find Shannon. I promised that I would be there for her" Maddy said as she unlocked the bathroom door. The house was quite now.

"Maddy, come on. Tom and Shannon have left." Katie said but Maddy wasn't standing with Katie anymore.

Katie pulled out her phone and texted Rhydian.

Maddy's gone. Keep an eye out for her. Let me know if you find her.

The Wolfblood grabbed her coat and made her way outside. She followed Maddy's scent and found herself in the woods, it was dark so Katie couldn't see much but she could hear Tom, Shannon and Rhydian talking nearby, followed by a howl.

"I thought you were supposed to be taking Maddy home." Shannon said.

"And leave you to face the beast on your own," Tom said. "What sort of friends do you think we are?"

"Maddy's friends," Shannon said.

"Anyway, Katie is taking Maddy home."

Katie deiced to join them.

"Katie, what are you doing here. I thought you were taking Maddy home" Rhydian said.

"Maddy's safe. She deiced to go home on her own" Katie said. She looked at Rhydian and noticed that he had thistle root in his hand. There was a rustling sound coming from the bushes.

"Did you hear that?" Shannon asked.

"Rhydian" Katie whispered. "I think it could be Maddy."

"Stay here" Rhydian whispered back.

Katie watched as Rhydian got up and went over to the bushes.

"Stop it, Maddy," Rhydian said as he came back into view. Maddy was spitting thistle root on the floor.

"Nice one, Rhydian. You've scared the beast of now." Shannon said. She was annoyed.


Once the group got back to Shannon's house, Katie and Rhydian went into the kitchen to help Tom. Kate grabbed five glasses from the cupboard and placed on this side. Rhydian poured drinks into them.

"Ok. Dinner is finished." Tom announced as he entered the lounge. "Katie and Rhydian are bringing the drinks."

"I will go and help them," Maddy said, Katie knew that Maddy wanted to talk about the events from this evening.

"Katie. I'm sorry that I didn't listen to you." Maddy said as she walked into the kitchen. Katie smiled at Maddy.

"That was a close one," Maddy said. " I can still taste the thistle root"

"I'm sorry about that. I didn't have a choice" Rhydian told Maddy.

"I know," Maddy said.

"Are you still keen to spill the beans?" Rhydian asked.

"No. Not tonight. Shannon's happy and it's been a while since I've seen here like this" Maddy said.

"Yeah. Tom's happy as well" Katie added.

"Did you know that Tom thinks I fancy you, Maddy?" Rhydian said.

"Do you?" Maddy asked.

"Don't push your luck, Maddy?" Rhydian said.

"Come one. We're going to miss the start of the film" Katie said.

Katie was that things were normal again. Well as normal as they could be for a Wolfblood. 

Next Time: Katie and Rhydian find themselves in trouble when Rhydian gets himself arrested on a full moon. 

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