Chapter 11

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Katie and Rhydian walked to their lockers. It was the night before the full moon and they had both agreed to spend it with Maddy. After the events of last month, Maddy's parents were worried. Tonight they were joining Maddy and her family for a practice run. The bell rang, school was over for the day.

"So are you two ready for the practice run?" Maddy asked as walked over to the twins lockers.

"No," Rhydian and Katie said at the same time.

"Do we have to be locked in?" Rhydian asked.

"Yeah. If you can't cope as a human, then you will never cope as a wolf" Maddy said.

"I hate the idea of being locked up during a full moon," Katie said.

"It won't be that bad, Katie," Maddy said. "Trust me, both of you will enjoy this"

"What happens if we don't?" Rhydian asked.

"Stay away tomorrow night. We can't force you" Maddy said.

Katie closed her locker and followed Maddy out of the school building. On the way out they met Tom and Shannon.

"So, what's everyone doing tonight?" Shannon asked.

"Rhydian and I are staying at Maddy's house tonight," Katie said.

"Yeah. Mr. Vaughan's Dad's not well so they've gone to stay with him" Rhydian said.

"Stay at mine then, Rhydian. My mum's on night shifts. It will great fun" Tom said. Katie was sure that Rhydian would have gone if it wasn't the night before a full moon.

"Sorry it's already been arranged with their social worker and my parents," Maddy said.

"Yeah. Maybe another time" Rhydian said as the followed Maddy back to her house.

Later on, Katie and Rhydian help Maddy's parents move bedsheets and pillows into the den. Daniel started telling the twins some tips for living near humans and protecting their Wolfblood secret. Katie wasn't listening until Rhydian mentioned money issues.

"I don't think that I can afford a country mansion out of my weekly allowance," Rhydian said.

"You have a talent, Rhydian," Daniel said.

"Yeah, most Wolfblood's do," Emma added. Katie was also good at drawing like her brother but she enjoyed painting more and hoped to study Fine Art in the future.

"So you could live anywhere you wanted to," Maddy said.

"Yeah, as long as there's a dungeon in the caller" Rhydian added.

"It's not a dungeon. It's a precaution, think of it as an initiation into our pack" Daniel told the twins.

"That's what every Wolfblood wants. It's greater than the instinct to be free" Emma said.

"They do have a point Rhydian," Katie said.

"I thought you were up for running wild" Rhydian questioned. Katie didn't answer.


"Race you, Rhydian" Katie called out to Rhydian. It was the day of the full moon and Katie was full of energy. Katie stopped running when they got closer to the school grounds. Rhydian and Maddy caught up with her.

"I win," Katie said.

"Do you smell that?" Rhydian asked.

"No," Maddy said as she sniffed the air. Katie did the same.

"Did the army come here to train?" Katie asked after she picked up the faint smell of humans.

"I don't think so," Maddy said. Rhydian walked over to a pile of leaves.

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