Chapter 8

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Katie was sitting in the school playground, waiting for Rhydian to finish detention. It was the day before the dark moon and Katie was not looking forward to it. She would lose her Wolfblood powers and become completely human for the day.

Once Rhydian finished his detention, the siblings went home. Rhydian told Katie about what he did in detention with Maddy and Katie thought it was quite funny.


The next morning Katie woke up and she felt terrible. Katie lay on her bed for 15 minutes, she then heard Mrs. Vaughn moaning.

"Katie, Rhydian come on, you're going to be late for school" Mrs. Vaughn called.

Katie sighed and got up, she got dressed and made her way downstairs. Rhydian was waiting for her and the two of them made their way to the bus stop.

When they got to school Katie and Rhydian sat on the wall, waiting for Maddy to arrive. Katie couldn't keep her eyes open. Maddy came over to the siblings.

"I didn't think that you two would come in," Maddy said.

"We tried to get out of it, but the Vaughn's wouldn't let us," Rhydian said.

"Now I know why my parents hate non-moon days so much" Maddy complained

"I feel like death," Katie said.

"I know what you mean," Maddy said.

"Being human sucks" Rhydian agreed.

A crowd was gathering around the school sports hall where a crane was removing something from the roof. Katie looked up and saw that it was the same cup Rhydian and Maddy put there yesterday.

"How did that get up there?" Tom asked.

"Wolfblood's one, humans zero" Rhydian said. Katie and Maddy laughed.

In the form room, Kate sat down and put her head on the desk. She was half asleep until Mr. Jeffries started talking.

"Reckless! Stupid! One slip and the person who did this could have been killed. I'm probably wasting my breath here, but if anyone knows anything then now wold be a good time to speak up" Mr. Jeffries looked around the classroom as he said this.

"Sir," James said.

"Yes James" Mr. Jeffries answered James.

"Sir, I'm not a snitch or anything but didn't Rhydian have detention last night," James said. Most of the class turned around and looked over at Rhydian.

"Yes, I know. I took it and then we left a the same time. So I know that Rhydian didn't do it" Mr. Jeffries said.

The bell rang and Mr. Jeffries dismissed the class.


In the Science classroom, Katie was listening to the teacher talking about DNA. They were put into groups and Katie is working with Kay, Kara, and Katerina.

"In your groups, I would like you to list everything that we have in common with chimpanzees in one column, and our differences in the other" Mrs. Parrish said. Katie turned around and started to talk to her group, complete ignoring what was going on in Maddy and Rhydian's group.

It was Lunch time and Katie was trying to keep herself awake by drinking some Fizzy cherry pop. She still had another 2 lessons before the end of the day.


In Drama, the class was taking part in a mirror exercise. They had to copy what their partner was doing. Katie went with a girl called Amy.

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