Chapter 6

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Katie Morris looked up at the sky, the moon was almost full and tomorrow at moon rise Katie would become a wolf. This would be her second transformation. Katie had agreed to spend it with Maddy's family and her brother Rhydian. However, she had a bad feeling about tomorrow night.


The next morning, Katie was standing in the school playground, waiting to board the mini bus. Katie and the rest of her class were going to Lindisfarne Island for a school trip.

Soon all the students were on the mini bus and the set-off. Mr. Jeffries seemed very excited about the trip and started to introduce the island as soon as they arrived.

"The island of Lindisfarne as I have expressed in my book, Resources, and Religion of medieval Lindisfarne has always been a sanctuary. A magic safe haven as it is cut off from the rest of the world for most of the day. Which is why we have planned our visit so carefully." Mr. Jeffries said.

When they got to Lindisfarne castle all the students got off the bus. Katie watched as Rhydian and Maddy playfully chased each other. Katie could tell that they were excited about the full moon tonight. Katie was as well.

"Rhydian, Maddy. Come on, calm down. How old are you?" Mrs. Fitzgerald said. Rhydian and Maddy joined the line and they started to walk to the castle.

"Whats up with you lot. You acting like you have ants in your pants?" Shannon asked.

"Nothing. Just excited" Maddy answered.

"Whats everyone doing after school. My mum just hatched some chicks. They are so cute, you have to come and see them" Shannon said.

"I would love to but I'm going round Maddy's tonight," Katie said.

"Me too," Rhydian said. Shannon looked at Maddy.

"Yeah. We are doing a family tree. Mum wants to find out more about Rhydian and Katie" Maddy said.

"All the black sheep" Rhydian said. Katie laughed and skipped off.

When they got inside the castle, Katie noticed that most of the rooms were very small and the ceilings were low. Mrs. Fitzgerald started to talk about the history of Lindisfarne castle.

"Lindisfarne castle was built around 1550 using stones from the old monastery. Which may explain why the castle is said to be haunted. Imagine yourself as a Lindisfarne monk. Armed men running down the causeway ready to attack. You run inside the monastery. A place of safety, a sacred place. No one would harm you. But you've only trapped yourself and you have to get...." Katie never got to here the rest of the story as she felt her self-starting to panic, she couldn't stay in the room any longer, it felt like a cage. How was she going to cope with being locked in a cellar tonight?

Katie noticed that Maddy and Rhydian had followed her outside. Maddy seemed to be suffering from the same thing.

"That night in the cellar isn't looking very good now is it," Rhydian said.

"No. It's going to be horrible. Why can't we spend it upon the mores, like last time?" Katie asked.

"We can't Katie," Rhydian said.

"I don't know how my parents do it" Maddy added.

"How are we going to do it?" Rhydian said. Katie looked over the wall of the castle. From the top, she could see the beach and the lime kilns. 

"There up here," someone said. Katie turned around and saw Tom and Mrs. Fitzgerald approaching them.

"You three missed the best part, monks getting their heads chopped off. I was brilliant" Tom said.

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