Chapter 9

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Note: I've decided to make this episode into two chapters. 

Katie and Rhydian had just arrived at Shannon's house for a movie night. Shannon opened the door and let them in. The twins walked into the kitchen and saw Maddy and Tom. Tom was busy making dinner. 

"You're early too" Shannon said. 

"Is that bad?" Rhydian asked. Katie laughed. 

Shannon didn't answer, she was busy looking at Rhydian and Katie's shoes. 

"Boots?" Shannon asked Rhydian. 

"Boots" Rhydian answered. Katie was wearing a pair of dark brown boots. 

"What's going on Shannon? I thought we were going to watch movies" Katie asked. 

"We was but I found out that the beast is back. The one form the picture and I know where to find it" Shannon said. 

Maddy pulled Rhydian and Katie into the lounge. 

"You didn't sense or smell anything?" Maddy asked. 

"No" Katie and Rhydian said at the same time. 

"So does that mean Shannon's wrong?" Katie asked. 

"Maybe not Katie. Maybe it's smart" Rhydian suggested. 

"Are you three coming?" Shannon  called from the kitchen. 

"Hold on. Rhydian's putting his boots on" Maddy answered. 

"So lets say that it is the Wild Wolfblood. What are going to do about it?" Katie asked. 

"Nothing" Rhydian said. 

"Even if it is the Wild Wolfblood, how will seeing it help Shannon?" Maddy asked. Katie and Rhydian didn't say anything. "Her family think she's crazy, I mean seriously crazy. And Shan's starting to wonder if they are right. She needs to know its real and we are going to help her." 

"How are we going to do that, Maddy" Katie asked, but she didn't realize that Maddy was not finished talking. 

"Even if one of us transforms" Maddy finished. 

"Maddy, Katie, Rhydian" Shannon called. 

"Hold on" Katie called. The three Wolfblood's looked at each other and then made there way into the kitchen. They found Shannon standing by a map of the village. Shannon had a pen in her hand and starts to make crosses on the map. 

"According the newspapers, the Parkers lost two sheep three days ago. Howdale lost a ram last week and then we have High Field and Barfield that both lost animals last night. Then we have Wilson, Boo-Booand Hermione. If we join the dots up we get..." Shannon said.

"a circle of the village" Maddy finished. 

"Exactly" Shannon comments. "and its clearly not feeding in the same place twice, so we need to be around here" 

Maddy sneezes. 

"I don't think Maddy should be going out with a cold like this" Rhydian said. 

"Ill be fine" Maddy said. Maddy walks into the lounge and Rhydian and Katie follow her. 

"Maddy, I think Rhydian is right. Maybe you should stay indoors" Katie said. 

"No. I'm coming with you. Shannon needs me" Maddy said. 

"What happens if that Wolfblood is out there?" Rhydian asked. 

"We defend ourselves" Maddy said. 

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