Chapter 12

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Rhydian and Katie went to meet Maddie, Shannon and Tom in the woods. There was a rope swing there, Maddy and Shannon found it when they were in Year 8. Katie watched Shannon swinging on the rope. She was laughing and having a great time.

"Ok. It's my turn now" Tom said. Tom started to swing on the rope but he got distracted and lost his grip.

"Tom, are you alright," Katie asked as she approached Tom.

"Don't move?" Rhydian said. Tom grabbed his knee.

"Someone's there," Tom said. "Someone was spying on us"

Katie looked around but she couldn't see anything. The only evidence that someone had watched them was a couple of broken twigs and the faint smell of another Wolfblood. Shannon was kneeling on the ground looking at the broken twigs.

"So, he was spying on us?" Tom asked.

"How am I supposed to tell from a couple of broken twigs" Shannon said. "Come one let's get out of here"

Shannon and Tom started to walk away. Katie turned to look at Rhydian.

"It's the Wild Wolfblood," Katie said. Maddy nodded.

The three Wolfblood's joined Tom and Shannon in Bernie's Cafe. Katie, Rhydian and Maddy sat down at one of the tables while Shannon ordered drinks. When Shannon sat down, Tom was complaining about the football match that he was going to play in.

"Who cares about football. I want to know who that creep in the bushes was" Shannon said.

"It was probably a dog walker or a hiker," Tom said.

"I didn't see a dog and nobody hikes in the woods," Shannon said.

"Ah, so you've seen her to then?" Bernie asked.

"Her?" Shannon asked.

"The homeless women. She's been seen around the village recently" Bernie said.


Katie, Rhydian and Maddy walked outside and stood in the school playground. Most of the boys were practising for the football match. Tom was one of them. Katie watched as Tom kicked the ball in the direction Mr Jeffries Window.

"The window"

Rhydian jumped into the air and knocked the ball out-of-the-way. Katie was impressed.

"Sam, go and get Mrs Graham." Jimi said.

Katie walked over to Rhydian

"Nice save. Maybe you should join the football team" Katie said. Katie went to join Maddy. Mrs Graham came out and walked over to Rhydian.

"Looks like Rhydian is joining the football team," Maddy said.

"Yep," Katie said. Katie knew that Rhydian wasn't a big fan of football. This would be interesting to watch.

Rhydian had a place on the football team as the new goalie.


After school, Katie and Rhydian walked through the woods. They were trying to find the Wild Wolfblood when they heard twigs snapping. The twins looked up and saw a stranger. She had scruffy brown hair and brown eyes.

She said something in a language that Rhydian and Katie didn't understand.

"Who are you?" Rhydian asked.

"I'm your mother," she said.

"No.We don't have one" Rhydian said as he started to back away. Katie followed Rhydian but the women who claimed to be their mother followed them.

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