Chapter 5

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Katie was sitting in morning registration with Rhydian and Maddy when Mr. Jeffries was taking the register.



When Mr. Jeffries got to Maddy's name she answered "What. Oh, I mean years sir."

"Is everything ok Maddy?" Katie asked. Maddy turned around and looked at Katie.

"I'm on the brink of transforming," Maddy whispered.

Katie could remember the days before her first transformation: she was moody and found it difficult to control her actions. How was Maddy going to cope with a week of exams? Katie thought to herself.

"Katerina," Mr. Jeffries said as he called out the last name on the register.

"Ok. As you all know your Maths exam will start right after the dinner bell." Mr. Jeffries remind the class. "Before we begin..." Mr. Jeffries started to say but Katie zoned out for the rest of the lesson.

At lunch time, Katie and Rhydian followed a restless Maddy into the canteen. They joined the rather long lunch queue.

"I don't think I can take another six more days and seven hours of this," Maddy complained.

"Do you want to know what helps?" Rhydian asked.

"Yeah. I will do anything." Maddy said.

"Follow us," Katie said. Maddy followed the two siblings out the school. The looked behind them to make sure that no one was watching and started to jog towards the woods. The three of them ran through the woods before laying down under a tree.

"Better?" Rhydian asked Maddy.

"Much better" Maddy answered.

"I know I've got a Mum and Dad to share all this stuff with, which is more than what you two have" Maddy started to say. "Sorry"

"It's fine," Katie said.

"What I mean is, it's nice having people of my age to share this stuff with," Maddy said.

"Yeah. That goes for me as well" Rhydian said.

"and me" Katie added. The three Wolfbloods looked up to the sky and watched the clouds. Rhydian and Maddy talked about her friendship with Tom and Shannon. This lasted for a few seconds until Maddy sat up.

"Oh, not. I forgot Tom. I was supposed to revise with him for the English exam. Also, we have a maths exam in ten minutes" Maddy said as she grabbed her jumper.

"Yeah. We will catch you up in a minute" Katie said.

Once Maddy left Katie looked at Rhydian.

"I really can't be bothered for this maths exam," Katie said.

"Same," Rhydian added.


When Katie and Rhydian walked into the exam hall, most of the students were already sitting down.

"Nice of you to join us, Katie and Rhydian," the teacher said as they took the remaining seats. Katie sat behind Maddy and Rhydian sat in the row next to her.

"Ok everyone. You have one hour, starting now. You may begin" the teacher told them.

Katie opened her test paper and started to read through the first question. She looked around her and noticed that most of the students were already writing, apart from Maddy. Maddy was panicking and Katie was the first person to notice the black veins on Maddy's hands.

"Maddy" Katie whispered. "It's ok. Calm down"

Maddy coughed and that got Rhydian's attention. Katie watched as Rhydian got up and she used this as a distraction. Katie got up and went to Maddy who was under her desk.

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