• Chapter- 3 •

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I wake up to something refreshing running over my face. My eyes slowly open and I see Laura wiping a wet mop across my jaw and neck. She seems focused and I breathe in. Once she's done, she throws the mop at my lap and stands up. I look up at her.

"Laura. You don't know how sorry I am. Please just.. ", I don't even finish my sentence.

"I think you have a fever. Your skin is hot. ", she says and walks out of the room.

I sit up properly and somehow rise to my feet. I see the broken lamp is gone and all the pieces are picked up. I struggle to keep my balance and walk downstairs after her.

"I'm gonna go home. ", I announce and sigh. She won't even talk to me so why should I bother staying? I messed up.

"What happened to you? ", Laura approaches me.

"My head began to hurt and.. "

"No. I meant, what made you act this way? You've never been this aggressive around me before. ", her eyes stare into mines.

"I didn't mean to hurt you, I swear. I don't know what to say.. I was drunk and you are still pissed at me. I think I should leave. ", I wipe the tears from my eyes and slowly turn around.

"Ross.. "

"Keep the presents. They are amazing and I was just an asshole. Give them to someone who truly deserves them. ", I say and stumble to the front door.

"Wait. ", Laura sighs. I turn around to face her. She walks up to me.

"What? "

Her hand reaches my cheek, then forehead. "You do have a fever.. "

Her fingers slide down my face and my lips. I stare down at her with this newly built intensity. She gulps and looks up into my eyes, then pulls her hand away.

"My mom will take care of that. "

"I just.. Ross, I.. ", Laura turns bright red and I try to understand what's going on. "I... "

"You what? "

She looks down and shakes her head. "It doesn't matter. "

"I'm leaving. ", I say and open the door, stepping out.

Laura just stares at me and slowly closes the door in my face. I run my hands through my hair and walk back to my car. She took my spare key to her apartment. I'm honestly ashamed. I don't know how could I ever get so carried away and forget about our hang out.

When I get in, I drive back home where my mother opens the door and lets me in. Her and Rydel begin babying me and saying that I need to rest. My sister begins to throw questions at me like 'where were you', 'what were you doing' and 'who were you with'. I just tell her I need sleep because last night spent on the hard floor of Laura's room wasn't exactly the best night of my life.

I can't stop thinking about what Laura said to me last night. Whoring around...

I don't wanna be that guy. The guy that sleeps with everything he finds an easy target. The guy who drinks himself to numbness. The guy who forgets about his friends and priorities. I don't wanna be him simply because Laura doesn't want me to either.

And I care about her opinion more than anything.

I'm just not sure if I can do this. Pretend like everything is okay.

Maybe I should tell her..

A few days later, we still haven't spoken to each other. I'm currently helping my dad with some mechanical problems.

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