• Chapter- 9 •

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"Dude! What a burn! ", Chase begins to laugh after I tell him what Laura told me yesterday.

Quentin glares at him.

"Shut up, Chase. It might would have been funny in any other kind of situation but I won't allow her insulting me like this. She joked about my health. It hurt me. How would you feel if you were in my shoes? ", I frown.

"Well, for starters, I'd be happy she didn't knee me in my balls because that would be even worse.. "

I clench my fist by my side and take in a harsh breath. "You're a jerk. Really. I don't even know why I'm telling you this. You and your lousy jokes can keep away from me. ", I threaten and walk away.

Quentin rushes up to me. "Hey, man. I'm sorry he's being an asshole. I think he had too much to drink last night. "

"I don't care. None of you does. Not even Laura. I'm sure she's with her friends now, telling them everything I confessed to her at the bonfire and they are making jokes together about it. ", I snap and rub my eyes, feeling frustrated.

"She's not like that. "

"We don't know that. She threw that stupid remark right in my face. Who knows what else she has to say about me. I only need a stupid fucking friend. Only one to help me. "

"I'm here for you, dude. Cole is too.. You should just talk to him and make things right again. I'm sure he'll understand. Cole is a really tolerant guy. "

"I don't know.. "

"Just try. It won't cost you. "

"I'm not sure I have balls to do it. ", I fake a smile at him.

"I'm serious. "

"He-ey guys.. ", Cole stutters once he sees me and he arrived just in time. I'm not really sure what to say to him though.

"I'll let you two talk. ", Quentin walks away.

"Wait what? ", Cole shouts after him.

I sigh and look down. "Look. I'm sorry for slapping you and acting like a bitch about something that was completely true. I know she likes me, I'm not sure if that's the case at this moment though, but I shouldn't have snapped at you dude. Can we just.. forget it or something? ", I fumble with words.

Cole's arms wrap around me and he pulls me in a hug, patting my back. I close my eyes and lean my forehead against his shoulder. Thank god.

"It's alright. I'm sorry I made you think that Laura and I had a thing. I'd never be with a girl who I know you have feelings for. "

I groan and slowly pull away. "You just ruined the moment. I don't feel anything for Laura. "

"Then why were you trembling with anger when you thought two of us were an item? And why are you looking like a sad, lost puppy after her small remark? Why were you so determined not to hurt her? ", he laughs.

"Because we are friends, Cole. You try being so close with someone for almost four years of your life and then try not caring for them. ", I spit.

"There you go, snapping at me again. "

"I'm sorry. I'm just overwhelmed with the classes and all this pressure, plus, everything at home and I had a fight with you and I miss Laura. I don't know what to do anymore.. I wish she hasn't said what she said, then I'd be able to at least try to make up with her. I'm still mad at her. It's like she purposely wanted to hurt me. ", I sigh.

"Well, you've got to grow some balls and show her that you actually have them. ", he pats my shoulder.

"I don't and I don't want to talk to her. If she wants anything to do with me, she may speak to me first. I'm out. History is next. ", I announce and walk past him.

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