• Chapter- 4 •

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Nobody knows how bad this hurts and I feel like I'm going to pass out any second. Oh god.

Just ignore it, Ross. It's just physical pain. It can be ignored.

Tears roll down my cheeks and my mouth stays slightly open. I feel like the pain isn't letting me breathe. I wrap my arms around my stomach and gag. Once I realize I'm about to throw up, I push the door of my car open and the content just pours out of my mouth.

My whole body trembles at the sight. I hate it when I throw up. I'm one of those people who get the urge to vomit even more after they see puke. I gag and wipe my mouth when I'm done.

My hands are shaky and my stomach still hurts. I roll down the window and push my head through it, ready to shout.

"Laura! "

No response.

"Laura! Please help me! Laura! ", I yell as loud as I can.

Within seconds, the front door is open and she's out in different clothes. Her baggy yellow shirt she usually wears at home and gray tracksuit catch my attention. Laura's eyes move to the puddle of puke next to my car and she widens her eyes.

"Ross! What happened? ", she rushes up to me and touches my forehead. I close my eyes.

"It's not a fever. ", I let her know. My face leans against her clothed stomach and lips let out sob. "It.. It hurts so bad. "

Her fingers run through my hair and push it off of my forehead. My arms wrap around her waist to hold her still.

"What hurts? ", she asks, unsure of herself.

"I.. ", I am too embarrassed to speak to her about it.

"Maybe you should just come with me to my place. "

I shake my head and close my eyes, my cheek still pressed against her belly.

"Ross, you're scaring me. I can't let you drive in this state. Please come with me. ", she speaks to me and I sigh.

"Okay.. ", I give in but tighten my arms around her figure. "Help me. "

"I always will. ", Laura reassures me and slowly pulls away from my embrace. She extends her arm for me to take her hand and I do. Once I'm on my feet, another wave of pain radiates through me. I stumble and hiss.

"Put your arm here. ", she throws my arm over her shoulders to try to give me support. I gently lean onto her but not too much, knowing my weight would crush her.

I'm sure we look ridiculous with her helping me walk when I'm much taller and more muscular than she is but I don't care. All I know is that I'm hurting and she's by my side.

We walk into her house and she slams the door closed with her foot behind us. Laura helps me get on the couch and puts a pillow underneath my head. When she tucks me in a blanket, she leans down to kiss my forehead. I close my eyes, realizing she's never done that before and coming to conclusion that I wish she has.

"You act like my mom. ", I slightly smile.

"I'm worried about you. Will you tell me what happened so I know how to help you? ", Laura asks and kneels on the floor beside me.

I groan with the new sensation and push my knees up to my chest.

"Ross, you're hurting and I don't know what to do! Tell me where it hurts. ", her voice is loud but sounds worried.

I uncover myself and slowly push my legs back down to the bed. Laura stares at me and I grab her hand and lead it to the source of my pain. Once her hand touches the lower part of my stomach, she blinks down at me and I slowly nod, letting go of it. Laura's hand stays on me and runs her fingers up to my belly button.

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