• Chapter- 13 •

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I didn't let go of Laura through the whole night. I think she's annoyed with me since whichever position she took, I found a way to intertwine my legs with hers and be close to her at all. I only didn't want her to leave. That's what kind of psycho I am.

She left my questions unanswered and they're still standing at the bottom of my mind, mocking me and making me search for answers. I really shouldn't do that because this way I get tangled even more. Laura begins to stir in her sleep and I feel her trying to get up. My hands grip her waist and hold her tight.

"Where are you going? ", I murmur.

"I gotta pee. You are kind of heavy with your leg over my stomach. ", she looks back at me but her expression isn't the least bit annoyed. She has a teasing, lovely smile on her lips.

I release her and she lets out a huge breath.

"Come back? ", I look up at her and she nods.

"What day is it? ", I yell after she exits the room.

"You're lucky it's Sunday! ", she shouts and I hear the door closing.

My eyes close as I lay on my back. Soon enough, I feel the wetness on my face and shake my head. When I take a look, it's Velvet licking my cheek.

"Hey buddy. ", I pat my chest. He slowly steps on it and lays down, coming face to face with me. He loves lying on top of people.

I comb his hair with my fingers and he lets his tongue hang from his mouth.

"You like that? ", smile creeps up to my lips and I stare at his satisfied expression. His eyes pinch closed and he starts leaning into my touch. God, I love this dog.

I keep on caressing his beautiful brown wavy hair and scratch the spot behind his ear. He loves to be touched there. Two more minutes pass and I get anxious waiting for Laura to get back.

"Did you fall asleep on the toilet or something? ", I shout and get a brief laugh booming through the house as an answer.

"I'm close to that. ", she lazily says but loud enough for me to hear.

"Hurry up, please. ", I beg. I already miss her warmth. I can't believe this is happening. I never knew I would have feelings for Laura, let alone fall in love with her his deeply in such a long time. I'm irritated with myself because I feel this way but I can't seem to breathe, sleep nor function without her. We were close enough friends and now... I don't even know what we are.

"Lauraa.. ", I groan.

"I'm here. Damn. ", she chuckles and enters the room.

"Good because.. Velvet missed you. ", I give her a cheeky smile.

She raises a brow at me and crawls under the covers. I turn to the side towards her; our faces in front of each other.

"Velvet missed me? ", she grins.

"Yep. He told me he couldn't sleep without you. ", I bite my lip. Laura removes the blonde messy hair that's fallen onto my forehead.

"Really? "

"Yeah and that he needs you next to him.. ", I look away.

"What else did he say? ", she looks into my eyes.

"That he loves you so much. It's insane. ", I whisper.

"Tell him I love him too. ", she blinks up at me and my heartbeat fastens. She's got me.

"I.. I will. ", I swallow the lump in my throat.

"Ross.. Uh.. ", Laura begins but her eyes separate from mines as she glances down.

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