"We Love You"

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  I went to the kitchen and began cooking. Michael came in and had nappy hair. Everyone else was still sleeping.
"What are you cooking?" Michael asked
"What type of food?"
"The kind you eat"
  He rolled his eyes and sat down.
"He we um have an interview today."
"Well we never told but we are um famous. We are in the band 5 Seconds of Summer."
"Oh okay. Then why did you pick me. Out of all of the other girl and you picked me."
"We knew you hated it. I saw it on the care takers face. She showed us that no one liked you there so we took you so you could be happy."
"Thanks. Do you really love me?"
"Of course we do. We know you can get better and live your life better. We love you." He said bringing me into a hug.
I hugged back then continued to cook. A little bit later the rest of the guys and Maly came in. I finished cooking and made everyone a plate. They sat at the table and waited. I handed them all a plate then when to my bedroom.
  I went and took a shower. I got in but nearly cried at the pain. When the water hit my back at the bruises and stuff I began crying. The guys heard me and began knocking on my door.
"Aria what's wrong? Are you okay? Talk to us please." All the guys said
  I put a towel around me and stepped out. I turned around so my back was facing them.
"Who did this?" Calum asked running his fingers over the bruises genitally.
"The other people at the orphanage."
"Why?" Luke asked
"I don't know. I guess I mean whores, sluts, and etc... should be dead right?"
"Hey! Don't you ever say that again about yourself. You are so beautiful and talented. We need you here. We love you." Michael said hugging me.
  I smiles and got back into the bathroom so I could get dressed. I really want to know if they really meant it. I mean I guess they did if out of all the girls there they picked me.
  When I was done I went back to my bedroom to check and see if my mom texted back.
I got on it and saw that she responded

Dear Aria,
  Don't use that language with me! I am your mother! You can't do anything your 15. Just you wait! I want to meet you here. Tomorrow at 4pm.!
                                                          Sincerely Marrisa Green

Dear Marrisa Green,
  I will if I want to. You can't stop me. How are you my fuckin mother! You left me for money and drugs! And I'm 17 if you would have stayed you would know! And I'm not meeting you! I HATE you and besides I have a family who actually loves me! Have fun fuckin men in jail!
                                                          Sincerely, Little Rebel

  After that I decided to get ready to go to the interview. I put on an All Time Low shirt and black skinny jeans. I wore a beanie and blue and black converses. When I was done I went to help Maly. She wore a flannel and pick tank top. She also wore a small red bow and red Jordan's. She looked really cute. She was so happy here. We both hated it at the orphanage so she felt a lot safer.
  We finished in at least 10 minutes. We went back downstairs to see the guys waiting on us. Maly smiled and ran up to Ashton. He laughed and picked her up.
"Everyone ready to go?" Luke asked
"Yep." Calum said
  Everyone got in the car as the security guard drove off. Maly sat by Ashton and me scared. I was actually kinda nervous because like people from the orphanage will see me. All I really wanted to do was get this over with. I didn't know who the interviewer was but I was hoping it was a lady not a man because I get to many dirty looks from men.


  Once we got there we had to run out. I would have slapped a girl if they touched me so Ashton was behind me while Michael was in front of me. We went backstage and sat for a little bit. Maly played Ashton's phone while I was playing with my hair. A few minutes later they called for us. We walked in and the first thing I noticed is that the interviewer was a man. I didn't want to stay no longer.
"Michael can you sit in front of me?" I whispered quietly
"Yea sure bit why?" He whispered back
"I dont trust him. I will tell you why during the break."
  With that he nodded his head and sat in front of me so the man couldn't really see me. Michael kept watching his face during the interview to see if he looked at me in a dirty way. He had said there were at least 2 breaks while he looked at me smirking. My heart began pounding  nervously.
  When the first break came, I ran backstage. Michael stayed behind to watch him. Once we got into the dressing room, me and him talked.
"So why do you not trust him?" He asked me
"Well around last summer I was at a friend's house. Her mom was like my step-mom so I was over there pretty often. Well she had this boyfriend who was horrible. He abused her and used her. Well one day she wasn't home so it was just me, him, and her. We were playing around having fun, until I looked down and I saw his... So I ran to her room and looked the door so he couldnt come in. He knew why I ran so he began chasing me.  I um had to hold the door close because he nearly got in..."
"I'm so sorry. I wish I could hurt him." He said while hugging me.
"That's ok. I'm fine I promise."

  He nodded and hugged me. After a minute we had to go back onstage. We talked for little bit about ourselves. It was very annoying and I was really ready to go home.
  Finally we finished. We all got in the car and drove home. I fell asleep during the ride. I remember before I fell asleep I was thinking about James that man.

- - - - -

  When I woke up I was laying in I'm guess Calum's bed. I think I was sleep walking when I got out the car. His bed was nice. It was blue and black and there was a nightstand beside it. I decided to get up and go downstairs with everyone else. Ashton was cooking and the guys were playing hide and seek with Maly. I giggled and walked to the kitchen to see what Ashton was cooking. I couldnt really see but it smelt amazing.
  I went over and sat on the couch. I turned on the TV and luckly the game set was turned on. I played COD Black Ops. I guess the guys heard me yelling at the game because they all started laughing. I kept until I won. Luke grabbed the remote and changed the TV settings.
"Hey!" I yelled at him "I was playing that!"
"Not with Maly around please?" Ashton said
  I nodded my head and watched Teen Titian's Go!. It was cute watching her laugh at the show and then the guys acting it out. After a while Ashton finished the food. He cooked Spaghetti. It was really good.
"Oh meh gosh Ash." I moaned out while eating
"Well then" Luke said laughing
  I nudged him and continued eating. Once I was done I cleaned mine and Maly's plates and went to go lay down.
"Hey I was um wondering if you could stay with me tonight. I kinda um want to like get to know you better." Luke said nervous
"Sure that's fine. I'm gonna go change and I will be in there in a second."
"Ok" he said walking into his room
  I went to my bathroom and changed. I wore a All Time Low shirt and some shorts.
  When I was done I went to his room and sat on his bed. He was on Twitter then got off when he saw.

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