Accidental Confession

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Warning(s): Bullets, blood loss, near death experience

"Okay, everyone knows the plan, right?" Steve asked and the others nodded. "Good, let's go."

Everyone headed outside of the quinjet but suddenly someone grabbed your arm and pulled you back. You turned around and saw Steve looking at you with concern. "Y/N, are you sure you're ready? I know this is your first big mission and—" Before he could finish you cut him off.

"Steve, chill out. I'll be fine," you told him with a smile. "Let's just go kick some ass, okay? I've been waiting for this forever!" You took his hand in yours and pulled him out of the quinjet.

You parted ways, Steve told you to be careful which you just shrugged off. You were pretty confident about this mission, maybe a little too confident.

Your part in this mission was simple, fight the enemies, make sure none of them goes inside. Many others had the same job, they were just doing it in different spots so the base was surrounded. Few, you weren't sure who since you only wanted to really focus on your part, were inside, downloading data which you cold later on use for your advantage on defeating the enemy when they were about to strike. You had heard they were planning on an attack.

At first everything was going well, you were knocking out enemies left and right, adrenaline was rushing through your body. More and more enemies came towards you and there were starting to bee too many. Everything was good until...

A gunshot.

You felt pain in your stomach, so much pain.

"Can someone take over my spot, thanks." You said to the earpiece you had on and started running as fast and as far as your adrenaline could carry you and looked for a place to hide in. You looked left and right, gun in one hand, you used the other one to clutch your stomach.

"Y/N is everything okay?"

"Yeah, yeah..." You finally found a small, empty building which seemed to be a storage of some kind. "Just take over the spot." You sighed in relief but too soon. You were once again shot, now in the back of your shoulder. You fell onto the ground, groaning in pain. You quickly rolled over to your back and saw someone heading towards you while loading his gun. You quickly pointed your gun at the person and shot him a few times, watching the body fall to the ground before you stood back up and entered the building.

You leaned against a wall and sat down on the floor, breathing heavily, feeling dizzy. You unzipped your suit and looked at your stomach to see blood. So much blood. You started to feel even more dizzy because of the sight.

"We got the data." You heard from the earpiece.

"Everyone, get back to the quinjet!" Someone ordered but you couldn't move.

You tried to keep your eyes open with all the strength you had but it grew harder and harder by every passing second.

"Y/N? Everyone else is here where are you?"

"Y/N? Answer me, damn it!"

You couldn't even recognise whose voice it was.

"Where the hell are you?"

You heard footsteps nearing you and you looked to your side. You saw someone running through the door. "Y/N!" You heard them yell.

The person rushed to your side and grabbed your shoulders. Even though your sight was very blurry now you could recognise the silhouette. "Steve?" You weakly whispered.

"Oh my, God! Y/N stay with me, everything is going to be okay." He frantically said as he looked down to your stomach. "Everything will be okay." He repeated, his voice shaking.

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