How to Deal With a Bunch of Aggravating, Overprotective Brothers

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A/N: The guys of the team aren't actually the reader's brothers, they just act like it. This imagine was hard but fun to write. I had trouble finishing it, I still don't know how that worked out. (I really don't know what that ending is supposed to be. It's weird, kind of unexpected, I guess....) I hope you enjoy reading this imagine! PS. Full lines written in italics can be heard through to comms. The first few lines written in italics are lines that the reader can hear from the Avengers HQ and the rest of the team can hear the latter lines from the bar. Sorry if that's super confusing! I just wanted to emphasize the use of comms (Also, the title sucks, what's new?)

Warning(s): avengers being overprotective and endorsing violence on a harmless guy who's trying to flirt with the reader (i'm making this sound way more dramatic than it actually is, they're not like trying to get the guy all beaten up)

You were getting ready in your room, dolling yourself up for an undercover mission. You finished applying your makeup and walked over to the bed where you had lain your gun and its holster. You moved the hem of your dress out of the way, took the holster and wrapped it around your left thigh, making sure it was tight enough.

"Look at you," you heard Steve say from behind you and you let out a quiet laugh. You took the gun and placed it in its holster on the inside of your thigh while turning around to face him. "All ready for the mission?" He asked, leaning against doorway with his arms crossed on his chest.

"Well, I could use some help with the zipper." You said, pointing at your back, smiling. "Do you mind?"

Steve nodded and made his way to you. You turned around away from him and almost immediately felt his fingers make their way slowly up your back, pulling the zipper up while he did. Steve rested his hand on your shoulder and you lifted up your hand on top of his, looking at him over your shoulder with a smile.

"You're not going to try and stop me, right?" You asked and turned around, lifting your hands up to the back of his neck, your fingers winding up in his short blonde hair.

Steve shook his head, smiling slightly. "It wouldn't change anything anyway." He said and you agreed with a hum. "And there's no reason to stop you. You'll be fine."

You pulled him down by the neck to press your lips on his softly. You then let one of your hands travel down his arm to his hand which you took in yours before heading out of the room, not without grabbing a small clutch you had put on the bedside table.

You heard wolf whistles as you stepped in the common room. Everyone turned their heads towards you and you laughed.

"Y/N, you look gorgeous."

"Thank you." You smiled and twirled.

"There's a car waiting for you downstairs. It will take you straight to the bar." Tony told you and you nodded. "We'll have a visual on you at all times just in case something goes wrong."

"Understood," you nodded once again. You turned to look at Steve and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek before saying goodbye to everyone.


"I'm in." You say as you step inside the bar, staying still for a while as you take a look at your surroundings.

"Great. The guy you're looking for is in the second booth from the window," Tony said as you turned to look in the direction. "Do you see him?"

"The guy in a dark green, silk button up?" You asked and got a affirmative hum, telling you it was him, "I have a visual." You said and walked over to the bar, ordering a drink. You sit down on the stool and turn around, taking another quick glance at your surroundings.

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