Leo Anthony Rogers

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Request: you should do one where the reader and steve are married and have a child

A/N: Sorry, it's been a while since I've posted anything. Life hasn't been that great, haven't gotten much writing although I have all the time in the world... I'm not doing that great. I just need to get myself together somehow. Anyway, here's a little Steve x reader imagine which has taken me way too long to finish. This has actually been ready for a couple of days I just COULDN'T FIGURE OUT THE TITLE. Decided to leave it as the working one. I just couldn't come up with anything and that annoys me but... yeah. Hope you like this fluffy imagine! Also, this is the imagine I said could be a second part to Big News.

Warning: FLUFF, and mentions of tearing and stitches... giving birth isn't all easy-peasy, my dears.

After a long and difficult labor with some minor complications during the birth, you finally got to go home after spending a night at the hospital and bring your son Leo Anthony Rogers into your home. His nursery had been ready for months, waiting for his arrival to make the room feel like it was whole. Now it was, all it needed for it to feel like a finished puzzle was a piece that happened to be a 20.98 inch and 8.55 pound baby boy. (53,29 cm & 3,88 kg)

Steve held onto you as you walked up the stairs to your apartment while he was holding the detachable infant car seat in his hand. You took keys from the pocket of your jacket and opened the door to your apartment, letting Steve walk in first. He carefully set the car seat down and you walked in after him. He turned around, placing his hands on your shoulders. "I'll go get the rest from the car."

You nodded, a tired smile making its way to your face. "Thank you," you said quietly.

Steve leaned down, kissing your lips gently before walking out of the door. You walked over to Leo and knelt down on the ground, hearing him gurgle and seeing him waving his arms. Your smile widened as you reached out and ran your knuckles over his cheek.

"Welcome home, Leo," you whispered with a smile. You took his small hand in yours and kissed his knuckles, feeling his other hand make contact with your cheek. "Are you ready for a tour?" You asked with a chuckle. You reached your hands under him and carefully pulled him up, cradling him in your arms. You walked further inside the apartment and turned around, looking around the room. "This is the living room, here we're going to have so many fun family movie nights. I'm going to make you watch all my favorite movies. You're going to love them, I swear."

You turned towards the kitchen and walked in. "Here we have the kitchen. We eat here. We eat here a lot." You chuckled to yourself before walking out. You went into your and Steve's bedroom. "This is mommy and daddy's room. Never come in here without knocking, you hear me?" You playfully warned, leaning your head down to nuzzle your nose against your son's. "Let's avoid having to pay for therapy after seeing something you weren't supposed to see."

You walked out again, now going into the old guest room that was now renovated and fit for a child. You smiled widely at the crib you remembered assembling with Steve while you were seven months pregnant. You remembered reading the instructions and kicking him the parts he needed to use. You also remembered him kneeling on the floor and running his hands over his face in frustration. You had never heard Steve curse so much. He kept complaining and cursing Ikea. You had never laughed at anything so hard. With the laughing and the baby practically thinking your bladder was a squeeze toy, you had nearly peed yourself. You still didn't let him live it down. To this day, you found the memory hilarious.

"And this is your room," you whispered, looking down at Leo who was grabbing onto your loose shirt. "Mommy and daddy worked really hard to make this room just perfect for you. You better appreciate it, young man."

Steve Rogers ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now