A Trick Turned into a Treat

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Prompt: reader gets invited to what she thinks is a costume party, Steve comes to her rescue.  

A/N: I pretty much wrote this in a day or two, I wanted to get it out before Halloween.  Hope you'll like it.

Warning(s): public humiliation

You were walking out of a lecture, holding your books to your chest with your crossed arms as. As you were about to leave the room, you got stopped by a girl.

"Hey, Y/N, right?" She asked, not seeming very interested.

"Yes?" You asked, pulling the books closer to your chest.

"There's a party on 28th, few days before Halloween. It's at Bucky's. You know him, right?" Before you could answer, the girl shoved an invitation card between one of your books. "Here's the address. Remember to dress up!" She said before rushing off to somewhere.

You made your way to your dorm and set your books down. You were about to go grab some lunch but decided to check the invitation first. "Who throws a costume party few days before Halloween?" You wondered out loud as you opened the book. You took out the card and saw that it had all kinds of Halloween stickers on it. You thought it was a bit odd but shook it off and decided to go by a costume store before grabbing lunch.

You grabbed your keys and your wallet before leaving.

You got to the store in no time and looked through the rack and saw that it was almost empty. Buying a costume right before Halloween was almost impossible, all the good ones were sold out.

You sighed and went to the cashier, asking him if they had any costumes in the back.

They did have one sexy nurse costume. You didn't think about it for more than a second. "I'll take it."

Sure it was a typical Halloween costume but you weren't going to be the only one without a costume...


Well, you certainly weren't the only one without a costume.

You were the only one with a costume.

The girl, who you didn't know had played a prank on you with her friends.


You had gotten to Bucky's place. You knocked on the door, taking off your long overcoat, revealing your nurse costume. The door opened, Bucky welcomed you to the party with a warm smile but his smile dropped as he looked you up and down. He started chuckling, "What on earth are you wearing?" He asked.

You took a good look at him, seeing him in his normal everyday-wear. You stepped in the apartment and saw that nobody else had a costume. You then heard snickering from the back of the room.

If looks could kill, the girl who had invited you would have been dead the second you set your eyes on her.

You put your coat back on and took out the nurse hat, rushing to the kitchen and throwing it in the trash, preventing angry tears from escaping your eyes.

You felt humiliated. You sat on the kitchen counter with your head in your hands.

"Uhm, excuse me?" You heard a voice call for you. "Ma'am?"

You turned to look at the doorway with your brows furrowed. You stared at the tall blonde man on the doorway and let out a laugh. "Ma'am?" You asked.

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