The New Winter Soldier

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Request: I love love love your writing! could I have a Steve imagine where the reader is an avenger who is captured by hydra and turned into a female winter soldier to get back at the avengers? the team doesn't know Steve likes the reader until they see how distraught he is. Can it have a happy ending?💖  

A/N: Hi, sorry that I haven't published anything in this book for a while... Been caught up finishing Bucky requests because I have a lot of those. Anyway...
So, the reader is not as shaken up as you'd probably expect her to be but the thing is I wrote this one three part series called Captured a while back and the reader's going through a lot in it and I just didn't feel like repeating that and just wanted to get this request done asap. It ended up being so long and I hope this one is good enough. No requests for second part, please.

Warning: some angst

Looking at your empty and unmade bed, Steve tried to hold back the tears and the urge to punch a hole into the wall. He wondered how he could have let HYDRA capture you. He was beating himself up over it, blaming himself for what had happened to you although it really wasn't his fault. You had sacrificed yourself on a mission to save a teammate, that teammate being Bucky, your and Steve's very good friend.

HYDRA wanted the Winter Soldier back and had tried to take him in many times but hadn't succeeded. A few days before, they had been close to getting him in, they tried to wipe him by using the trigger words but you rushed to Bucky's aid. You had ran over to him and covered his ears, even gave him some earmuffs which led to you getting shot since you were mostly protecting Bucky, not yourself.

Bucky of course had tried to help you but you told him to go away, get the hell out of there. It had taken some convincing, but you succeeded in getting Bucky out of there and unfortunately leaving you behind for HYDRA to take in.

Getting back to the team had been nerve-racking for Bucky. He also felt like it had been his fault that you were left behind. You had helped him get away, Bucky felt like he could have helped you.

The team didn't blame Bucky for what he had done. You were the one who sacrificed themselves to spare a teammate from getting captured. You did a heroic thing, Bucky just did as you told him to do.

So, why was Steve blaming himself? Because he was supposed to be there with you and Bucky, fighting the enemy but instead he had been helping his other teammates since there were a lot more enemies than they had expected. Unfortunately at that same time more enemies had made their way to you and Bucky.

Steve and Bucky, along with everyone else, were very bummed out about the situation but the one who it really took a toll on was Steve.

Steve had feelings for you and had had for a while. Nobody else knew about his feelings although Steve usually was very easy to read. It surprised even himself how he could keep it as a secret from you and the others.

Steve spent a lot of time in your room, just because he missed you so much. Seeing all of your stuff around, even a few clothes on the bed. You had to leave for the mission in a rush and had no time to clean up. You had some files scattered on your desk. He walked over to the desk and sat down on the chair, looking at the desk, seeing a bag of your favorite snacks in the corner. A small smile made its way to his lips as he reached his hand in and took one.

"You know if she knew you were eating her snacks, she'd freak out." Bucky said from the door, making Steve jump slightly, surprised he didn't hear Bucky come in.

Steve Rogers ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now