Troublesome Spawn

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  Warning(s): pregnancy, stressed reader  

You were kneeling down in front of a toilet, gripping the seat tightly as you emptied your stomach once again. The same thing had been happening for the past few mornings. You knew exactly what was going on with you. Mother Earth hadn't come to give you a bloody surprise that month. You hadn't gotten that not so lovely sign to let you know none of your boyfriend's swimmers had clung onto you so tightly that a small little super soldier was grow inside you.

You didn't dare to even sit up and move next to the wall so you could rest before another wave of nausea would hit you. It came sooner than you thought, so it was good that you didn't move.

As you threw up once more, you heard something breaking and felt the porcelain you were so tightly grabbing onto crumble under your palms. You felt yourself freeze on the spot, and felt thankful for the fact that you had stopped throwing up by now.

You slowly lifted yourself up with your knees bend under you and saw the broken toilet in front of you. Your eyes widened and you looked down at your hands too see them covered in blood. You cursed as you rushed to the sink to wash your hands, leaving the sink also covered in the dark red liquid.

You heard the door open behind you and you spun around quickly, trying to hold onto the side of the sink but because of the blood covering your hands, your hand slid across the smooth surface which caused you to slip and lose your balance. You almost fell but fortunately someone was there to catch you. You looked up to see Natasha holding you up with Wanda standing in the doorway with nothing but fear in her eyes.

You took a good look at the surroundings, the broken toilet, the blood covering the floor, the sink and your hands. You let out a groan and moved one of your hands to run it over your face. Now your face was added to the list of things covered in blood.

Natasha and Wanda were both standing near you with their eyes wide. Natasha was still holding you, she was scared to let you go. The scene was terrifying. It almost looked like someone was murdered in there. Almost.

You ran your fingers through your hair, not even caring about the blood anymore. You let out a nervous chuckle and avoided your best friends' fearful looks as long as you could.

"So... Good morning girls." You said and finally looked up at your best friends. They shared a look before turning their attention back to you.

You sighed, placed your hand on your forehead and let your head droop forward. There was a lot of explaining to do.


You sat the girls down after you had got your hands bandaged up and after you had cleaned up yourself and the bathroom and called someone to fix the toilet.... Or get a new one.

"So... I'm pregnant." You started and waited for them to react in some kind of way.

They both stayed quiet just staring at you like they had seen a ghost. They had actually seen something much worse a while before.

"Could you guys just say something?" You said in frustration. You ran your now clean fingers through your hair and tugged at the roots. You were already freaked out about the current situation and the way Wanda and Natasha were reacting (or not reacting at all) was almost enough to make you have a full on panic attack.

"You're... You're pregnant?" Wanda asked and let out a deep sigh when you nodded your head slowly. "That still doesn't explain what we just saw in the bathroom."

You nodded, completely agreeing with her. You didn't know what happened either and that made explaining it impossible.

"Does Steve know?" Natasha asked quietly.

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