Male! Gogo Tomago x Reader: Chemical Reactions

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(A/N) This is similar to the film where Tadashi Shows Hiro his "Nerd Lab" I do not own Big Hero 6 nor the characters or art. Baymax is still male; so is Hiro Hamada and Tadashi and Aunt Cass is still female.)
It has been four months since Tadashi's death. Your brother Hiro and you are still feeling kind of bummed out. Aunt Cass has tried to cheer you up but nothing has worked. Today you are going to visit Tadashi's friends. At the San Fransokyo Institute Of Technology. Some architects quickly rebuilt the institute. You have not yet met them, but Hiro has. Tadashi had introduced them the day Hiro decided to go to the San Fransokyo Institute Of Technology you on the other hand wanted to meet them really bad.

"You ready, (y/n)?" HIro asks. "Yes." you say. You wore khaki shorts, one of Hiro's tee shirts, and a blue sweater. "You're going in that?" he asks.

"Is there something wrong with it?"

"No just that the shirt you are wearing is a man's shirt."

"You mean a boy's shirt, you are not a man yet."

He puffs his cheeks out in annoyance "Whatever it's still something I would wear."

Your outfit is quite similar to Hiro's. You say goodbye to Aunt Cass and head out to the San Fransokyo Institute Of Technology.

~ Le Small Time Skip ~

When you arrive at the SFIT everyone stares at you. It's kind of irritating how everyone is asking if you and Hiro are okay. Is it not obvious that you are not okay? But you don't want to be rude and tell everyone off so you stay quiet and only nod. You arrive at the home school nerd lab and are quickly amazed at how fast everyone moved and how everyone was focused on their own thing. Hiro right away walks over to a blonde boy who is dressed kind of like a hippy that is working on a 400 pound ball of what looks like tungsten carbide the two begin to talk, Hiro obviously forgetting that you were there.

You decide to wander around, careful not to disturb anyone. You spot a boy around your age working on a electromag suspension wheels on a bike. You stare for a while until he notices you. "Hey! Who are you?" he calls out to you. "Gogo, this is my sister (y/n)." Hiro says putting you closer the him. The boy, Gogo , blows a pink bubble, then pops it, "Welcome to the nerd lab, as your brother used to call it," he says in a super deep voice. He's quite attractive. He has black hair with purple streaks, and wears a black leather jacket. Hiro chuckled, "Yeah." "I've never seen electromag suspension on a bike before," you say. You weren't as smart as Hiro but like him you did have an interest in robotics. "Zero resistance, faster bike. But not fast enough... yet." He says as he throws one of the wheels to a bin with others. Probably more "slower" wheels.

You wander over to an African American girl who is working on another invention. "Woah! Woah! Woah! Woah! Woah! Do not move! Behind the line please." "Hey Wasabi this is my sister (Y/N)." Hiro says. "Hello (Y/N), prepare to be amazed." Wasabi says, then she throws an apple to you "Catch." The apple gets shredded into thin pieces "Wow, laser induced plasma?" you ask her. "Oh yeah with a little magnetic confinement for ... uh alter precision." She motions you to see her table of tools You are amazed on how she can find anything. "Wow how do you find anything in this mess?" "Uh, uh, uh, I have a system there's a place for everything; everything in its place."

Just as he says that Gogo appears, "Need this!" he takes something from Wasabi's arrangement of tools. "Y-you can't do that! There's an anarchy! Society has rules." Wasabi yells chasing Gogo. You chuckle a bit and Gogo turns to you and gives you a dazzling smile that makes you blush. "Excuse me! Coming through." the hippie looking boy says. "Oh my gosh you must be (Y/N)! I've heard so much about you!" he yells super loud as if You were not standing right in front of him. You later realize that the has headphones with the music blaring up. He kisses your cheeks, "Perfect timing, perfect timing." he takes you to his ball of what you think is tungsten carbide. "That's a lot of...tungsten carbide?" You ask still uncertain. "Four-hundred pounds of it! C'mere, C'mere, C'mere. You're going to love this. a dash of chloric acid, a smidge of cobalt, a hint of hydrogen peroxide, superheated to 500 Kelvin and...TADAA. It's pretty great huh?" It was pink, your least favorite color and Hiro knew it, he chuckled. "It's" "And here's the best part ." He touches the ball and it explodes, pink dust all over the place.

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