Male! Cruella De Vil x Reader : My One

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"Formal attire? Check. Decent hair style? Checkish? Purse with many random things? Check. Formal shoes in my purse? Check. Phone?... crap, where's my phone!" You start to throw around the sheets of your unmade bed, rummaging through your drawers and clothes that are on the floor until you hear a Thud! "Ah! There it is. Resume? Check. Now I all I need is a little pep talk." you stand in front of the mirror, looking at yourself from head to toe and start to recite a speech that you always did before an interview. "You are not presenting in front of your high school anymore. Just be you, it's what they want. It's easier that way. Make a good impression. Smile. Good things first. Don't mess this up. You got this!" You breathe out and nod in front of the mirror, rehearsing what you were going to say when they asked you about yourself. You had recently applied to De Vil Inc. And were called for a job interview. To say that you were nervous was an understatement. If you got the job, you were going to be working with the best textiles designers, fashion illustrators and models in the nation! You couldn't mess this up. This was your dream! Besides you needed the extra money. Paying off college tuition was no picnic. Especially if you wanted to achieve your goal of being a professional designer and run your own company. You lived alone in your small home. How did you manage to pay for everything that your apartment needed? You worked at a bakery near your home, and in a little bookstore near that bakery. They weren't the best jobs, but they paid rent and other necessities.

You checked the time, it was 30 minutes until you had the appointment, so you decided to go buy coffee, and perhaps some breakfast since you hadn't eaten due to the nervousness. You got into your car, not the nicest car, but it got you places, and drove to a small cafe. Thankfully the line wasn't too long and you were able to get your food quickly, and arrive to your destination earlier than you expected. Your motto was "If you're on time, you're late." This is why you usually left your home earlier than most people so that you could get a head start on the job at hand.

When you arrived to the De Vil building, you were incredulous that you were called for an interview there. The De Vil Inc. was luxurious and great in size. You stood before it like David before Goliath, fantasizing about your future as Mr. De Vil's personal assistant. "One day." you smile to yourself, "Hopefully that day is here soon." You walked into the building, admiring the decor. The room was filled with Cruelle's signature colors; red, black, and white. The walls were white, with black furniture and an occasional red accessory to make the room less monochrome. A painting of Cruelle De Vil, hung in all its glory near the elevators. You admired the artist's job of capturing every feature correctly and the emotionless gaze in his eyes.

"Excuse me?" you address the lady at the front desk, "I had a job interview today at 2 o'clock, for Mr. De Vil's PA. Could you, perhaps, tell me in what room the interview would be held?" The girl, which previously had her back towards you, now looked at you in complete horror. "Dear God! You're applying to be the Devil's assistant? Personal Assistant!?" she exclaims, "That man will rip you to shreds before your first week. But if this is what you want, I will check the room." you nod until the words repeated themselves in your mind. "Wait, why do you say that he will rip me to shreds?" you ask, suddenly scared about who this man may be. "Is he really that bad?" "Girlie, his name is literally Cruel Devil, he's pretty bad. One time he yelled at me because his coffee had no sugar, and I didn't even make the coffee. I am a receptionist, not a secretary. Also I heard that he once threw a designer out of his room because his design was the wrong color. That should tell you something. What did you say your name was again?" "Oh, um, (Y/n) (Y/l/n). He seems horrible, but hopefully nothing I can't handle." "That's the attitude! My name is Jasmine Cephas Jones, but most people just call me Jazzy or Cephas. Nice to meet you (Y/n/n), is it alright if I call you that?" "It's fine. Nice to meet you Jazzy." She beams up at you and writes something down on a sticky-note. "The interview will be held in the meeting room, sixth floor. Directions are written here, may God have mercy on you darling." she says. "Thank you, I have a feeling I'm going to need it."

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