Male! Ursula x Mermaid! Reader: Unexpected Love

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I thought this version of the song was cool Requested by:


After Queen Triton opposed to Ariel's love towards Erica, the young prince thought that it would be a good idea to visit the sea sorcerer, Ursul. You had to go with him to try to convince him that it was a horrible idea, but would he listen? No. "Ariel, I'm telling you its a trap. Please listen to me this once." You say to Ariel. "No, (Y/n) please you know that if I don't speak with Ursul, I won't be able to be with Erica. Besides what is the worst that could happen?" You turn to him, "He could make you his slave or he could kill you. I have heard that those who go into his lair are never the same when they leave the place." He doesn't appear to be listening, instead his is fearfully staring at a dark cave behind you. "Please Ariel you can still turn back." You plead to your friend but he swims towards the cave. You soon swim after him "Ariel!" you call but there is no answer. Now you either had to leave him, or follow him, of course you choose the latter. "Oh this what I get for being his friend."

You look around the dark cave trying to find Ariel. You see strange creatures lingering in the shadows. Faint shrieking can be heard around you, but you try not to pay attention to the noise. You finally find Ariel struggling to get away from one of the creatures. "Ariel! Are you alright?" "Yeah I'm fine." He says after finally pulling away. "Please," you beg. "We shouldn't be here. We can still go home!" "Come in my darlings!" A very deep voice calls. "Ursul" you mutter. "Ah, it seems the fair maiden knows who I am." you feel a presence behind you sending shivers down your spine. You quickly turn around only to find the most handsome man you've ever seen staring at you. Look down! Look away! Don't look him in the eye! But you find that you cannot seem to take your eyes off of him. "See something you like gorgeous?" he says smirking. That breaks the spell. You turn away. Angry. Men always fall for what they see but never for what they know. Of course they aren't the smartest but they can atleast try right?

"Awww! Come on angel-fish. Don't get mad, I was only giving a compliment." he says trying to caress your cheek with his tentacle. You slap it away and say sternly, "Do not call me angel-fish!" He chuckles darkly and turns to Ariel. "So I suppose you are here to make a deal, am I correct?" Ariel looks startled as if he didn't know that the cecaelia had already predicted his motive of being in his cove. "H-how did you " "How did I know why you were here? Why child it is very predictable. Everyone who comes here seeks for my help in one way or another." He looks at Ariel with so much hate. You look at Ariel and see how pale he looks almost as if he were considering swimming away. What did I tell you boy? You wanted to say. You should have listened. But now was not the time to scold him. You had to find a way to leave the place, but how?

"What is the deal you want to make princey?" "I want to become human." Ariel replies. Shocked, you look at him. "Ariel no." "It's true (Y/n)." he replies "I don't want to be a merman anymore. I want to be with Erica. And I don't want to be near my mother." "Ariel! The world isn't going to end because your mother did not allow you to be w-with a stranger! "She is not a stranger!" "Yes she is! You don't know anything about her, You stalk her, " "I do not stalk her." "Yes you do! You follow her all the time while she is on shore, and you don't even talk to her, it's creepy. Just because you saved her does not mean that you she loves you " "(Y/n), just shut up!" he yells at you lifting his hand up as if to strike you. You stare at him, wide eyed. "Were you going to hit me?" he looks down in shame. "What is keeping you from it?" He keeps his head down and mutters "Ursul, please turn me into a human." "As you wish." Ursul replies. You leave the cove, tears threatening to leave your eyes, but you do not let them spill. As you swim, you do not notice two malevolent eels following you closely. "Little Prince, I was your friend and this is how you treat me? By almost hitting me. Well you can do whatever you want because I am not going to care!" you yell at the nothing around you, but your voice falters at the last few words. Who am I lying to? Of course I care. Ariel has been my best friend for years. We did everything together and now now he will become human and leave me for a human girl who he doesn't even know. You stop near a rock, wondering if you should go back to your friend.

Just as you are making up your mind to return, you notice something rising to the surface of the ocean. No, not something. Someone. You swim towards that someone and notice familiar red hair on that someone. Was that...? It was Ariel! Dammed child is going to die! If he doesn't die on his own, I'm going to kill him! He doesn't even know how to walk or anything about the human world. What was the Sorcerer thinking when he agreed to the deal? These thoughts are racing in your mind while you change your course and go back to the cove. Anger replaces the fear that was one in your heart.

You hear laughter behind you. You spin around to find the source of such horrid sound. You finally notice the two eels. "What are you laughing at?" you ask sternly. You have a feeling Ursul ordered them to follow you. "We are amused with the liking the master has taken in you and what he will decide to do with you." You ignore them and speed towards the place where you last saw Ursul. You find him watching Ariel through a hologram of what is going on on shore. Completely unaware of your presence, or so it seems. You watch as Ariel wiggles his toes in pure delight. He later struggles to his feet and fails to walk. Ursul finally decides to speak up. "The prince was such a fool." he laughs "A complete fool indeed." you are confused as to what he is talking about. "What do you mean?" he laughs, a very deep laugh. He turns to you with a grin on his face. "Your 'friend,' the idiot, never saw what he had did he? He never valued you as a friend (Y/n.) Never realised that the one whom he should have loved, was you." you stare at him not knowing what to make of his words. "I-I don't understand..."

"You were here, angry because of the deal I made for the Prince, but it was what he wanted. He never listened to you. Never took you into consideration. A foolish move." You think about his words. He was right, never had Ariel listened to you, he was only your friend because he was grateful that you would not judge his crazy ideas. Ursul in the meantime had been inching closer to you. "How have I not seen this before?" "Because you were blind (Y/n.) You let your emotions get the best of you. You loved him, but he never loved you back." Those words dawn on you. You did love him. But why did it feel so distant, as if what you felt for Ariel had happened a long time ago. Ursul is now merely inches away from you. "Let me help you forget the stupid boy." He says before kissing you. You struggle a bit before giving in at last. The kiss was a bit quick and rough. It felt wrong for you to kiss the man who has been the Queen's archnemesis for years, but it felt right because you now felt like you belonged with someone. And that someone, as unexpected as it may be, was Ursul.

The two of you pull away and stare at each other for a moment. You then speak, "What will I do, now that the Queen's son has been turned into a human? She will be raging when she finds out. I can't go back to the kingdom. She will blame me for leaving Ariel while the whole contract was being signed. " you rant. "You're right you can't go back. You are welcome to stay here. I know we've only met today, but i know that we are destined to be together (Y/n.)" he says sweetly. You feel the same way. "Stay with me. We can find a way to overthrow Triton and rule Atlantica together, just as we are meant to do. I will make you queen and allow you to have anything you wish for. Just, stay with me. Please" You see pain in his eyes as he says this. He isn't the cold hearted sorcerer that you thought he was. He was something more. A man whom you could possibly love. "I will stay with you Ursul," you reply looking straight into his eyes. He kisses you again, sweetly. "We'll rule Atlantica together (Y/n) I promise."

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