Male! Ariel x Princess! Reader: Alas She Could Not

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(A.N: Hello, it's been a year. I apologize to the person who requested this ages ago, I just didn't really know what to do with this. P.S: Centis and Nidian are made up kingdoms. And lastly the most voted actor for the Ariel face claim was.... KJ Apa . {Of course ya'll can choose which ever actor you want.}) 

Requested by: Lady_Saki01

When she stepped into the bright light, (Y/n) had only two things in mind: her birthday ceremony and a new life.

Maybe her new life would come after the celebration of her next birthday, which she was dreading. (Y/n) wanted to leave her duties of one day marrying a king. The princess knew that her time as a maiden was coming to an end and she wasn't overjoyed about it.
I could be a pirate. She thought. And travel from place to place. I can meet new people. Fall in love maybe. If I could just leave.

But alas she could not.

She tried not to think about the event which was still a few months away. Instead, she picked up her skirt and walked towards the water. (Y/n) didn't go far. The princess only allowed herself to stand in the shallow part, for she couldn't swim. (Y/n) admired how the fabric from her skirt moved gently in the water. So calming and free. She often went into the sea to relax and think. It was better to be out in the open than to be confined in her room either reading or taking lessons. She much preferred to read outside, where she could look out and imagine a different world where she didn't have to abide by any rules.

On this particular day, she took a mythology book with her. The tale that she was currently reading had to do with the god of the underworld and the goddess of spring. How queer was it that two very distinct souls somehow found a way to be with each other even if there was an opposing factor, the goddess' mother. The tale was taught to (Y/n) when she was younger and often used as a way to justify the reason why the seasons change. She loved these stories since they gave her some faith that there were some deities out in the heavens. Which meant that there was still something that could help with her situation.

(Y/n) closed her eyes and tried to not think too much about her doom. I should just embrace this and be happy that the next portion of my life is coming together. She sighed and opened her eyes. She was about to continue reading when a flash of red caught her attention. At first, she thought that it was her mind playing tricks on her, but as she stayed very still she was able to see the red rise again from the surface of the water. (Y/n) gasped. The flash of red was hair that belonged to a boy. A young and handsome boy that looked around her age. She didn't recognize him, which ruled out the possibility that he was a servant's son. And not many people around her kingdom were known to have such vibrant red hair. To her eyes he was breathtaking.

The princess realized that she had been staring far too long and finally said something. "You, who are you? You are not from around here right?"

The boy shook his head. "My name is Ariel it's an honor to finally speak to you." The boy had watched (Y/n) for some time. To him, she was so different. Not only because she was human, but because she always seemed alone, somewhat like himself. And also like him, she seemed to like the solitude. "I'm sorry if I disturbed your reading Miss. I was just- "

To his surprise, the girl smiled. "There is no need to apologize. I do believe that this area is free for all to wander to. I just was not expecting anyone to be here." Truth be told, that was the main reason as to why she would go so often. Hardly anyone would consider spending a few moments of solitude near the sea. Most of them chose the company, but she didn't. She couldn't. (Y/n) feared that is she got too attached to someone, it would be more torturous to leave them behind when she married.

The boy got closer to the girl and lifted himself enough for the girl to notice that he lacked a shirt. "Not used to having company?" the red-haired boy grinned. "You're blushing."

(Y/n)'s eyes widened. "No, I'm not!" She realized how childish she sounded. Like a young girl accused of having a crush. She composed herself. "I do not blush." Her statement wasn't a total lie. There were times where even the sweetest compliment wouldn't make her falter. There were also times to where a small secret would make her redden as if she were in the sun for too long.

"Yes, you do. And you are." Ariel's grin widened. "It's cute."

Now, (Y/n) thought, Now I might be blushing. Curse him. "That's- I'm not " She cleared her throat. "What brings you here?"

Ariel smiled as if he was sharing an inside joke. "Me? I just came for a little swim. What about you? Are you always here or is today my lucky day?"

(Y/n) knew that this boy was being flirty, and usually she hated when men flirted with her. But this one was different. It was rare for her to see someone speak to her without being afraid of saying the wrong thing. And yet here this boy was, without a care in the world about how he might look to the princess. (Y/n) shrugged. "I am always around here when I am not attending any lessons or ceremonies."

Ariel tilted his head. "You don't seem to like these lessons and ceremonies."

"I don't. If anything I would like to leave this place and go on adventures." The princess caught herself before she started ranting. The hopeful expression she once had now long gone. "But alas I cannot. I must stay and fulfill my duty as Princess of Centis and future Queen of Nidian."

The merman noticed that the princess' eyes told a different story. She wanted to be free and he would be damned if he didn't help her get that freedom.

(A.N: There will be a part 2, just wait a little. Requests are closed until further notice. Thank you for reading, commenting a voting, it means the world to me!) 💜

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