Male! Jessica Rabbit x Wife! Reader: Stripped

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A/n: This seems very cringy, sorry if it wasn't what y'all expected but I tried. The song above is the song you will be singing in this fic it's by Shiny Toy Guns. Yes there are a few Hamilton reference feel free to keep the lyrics going.


"Ladies and gentlemen you could have been anywhere in the world tonight but you are here with us at the Ink and Paint Club, are you ready for some real talent!?"We have seen comedians, we have seen magicians. Now get ready for the art of music. Singing the song Stripped, give it up for (Y/n) and Jesse!." Jordan Barton, the host of the club, says as the lights dim. A beautiful (Y/h/c) haired girl steps on to the stage wearing a(n) (Y/f/c) dress that hugs her curves in all the right places. She opens her mouth to sing the words to the melody in the background.

Come with me
Into the trees
We'll lay on the grass
And let the hours pass
Take my hand
Come back to the land
Let's get away
Just for one day

As she finishes the first verse, a handsome man stands up from the audience. One that takes everyone's breath away. He strides on to the stage whilst keeping eye contact with the woman and smiles before singing along with her.

Let me see you
Stripped down to the bone
Let me hear you speaking just for me
Let me see you Stripped
Down to the bone
Let me hear you crying
Just for me
Let me hear you make
Without your
Let me hear you speaking
Just for me

He wears red jacket that exposes his toned, bare chest, violet gloves black slacks and violet shoes. His voice is what the woman fell in love with. It was as rich and smooth as silk. She smiles at him remembering the days when she was merely a bartender and he was an undiscovered singer. He had been hired to entertain the women that would occasionally go, that's why he had been there until the manager learned of his singing capacity. The bartender and the singer had talked and became instant friends and soon after, lovers.

Has nothing on this
You're breathing in fumes
I taste when we kiss
Take my hand
Come back to the land
Where everything's ours
For a few hours

(Y/n) also had a passion for singing, but she only did it when Jesse was around. She wasn't comfortable with her voice and only did it with people whom she was more trusting towards. When she finally opened up to the redheaded male, he thought that her voice could not be compared with the voice of an angel's, for her's was more beautiful. After the time passed she began to sing more around him.

The manager of the Ink and Paint Club agreed to have the couple perform as a singing duo on stage and the performance was a success. People would go to the club only to hear them sing.

Let me see you
Stripped down to the bone
Let me hear you speaking
Just for me
Let me see you
Stripped down to the bone
Let me hear you
Crying just for me
Let me hear you
Make decisions
Without your television
Let me hear you speaking
Just for me

Jesse had proposed to (Y/n) during a romantic evening and the singing duo got married two years later. Jesse and (Y/n) didn't stop working together even after they married. To them nothing had changed they were still the same couple that would perform every night together two years prior to their commitment made to each other. And they would always be the same.

Let me hear you crying
Just for me
Let me hear you speaking
Just for me
Let me hear you crying
Just for me
Let me hear you speaking
Just for me
Let me hear you crying
Just for me

When the song came to an end, everyone got up from their seats and applauded their amazing work. It was a hypnotizing performance to the audience and the singers, although they should have been used to this effect since this was the song that made them fall in love with each other.

The singers smiled at each other and retreated backstage. "You did an amazing job out there my queen." said Jesse to (Y/n) while holding her with an adoring look on his face. (Y/n) wrapped her arms around his neck "You weren't so bad yourself love," she matches his gaze and kisses his cheek. Jesse whispers in her ear, "Do you think maybe we could..." he trails off, knowing he didn't have to say more for her to realize what he wanted. "Not today love, I am far too tired. Besides, I don't think that having sex can be good while pregnant." she grabs her purse to make sure everything's in there. "Wait... what?" She looks up and sees a dumbfounded look. "Oh," she says with playful innocence, " did I forget to tell you? I am pregnant." He stares at her for a long second, wondering if he had heard her correctly. "You mean it? I am going to be a father?" "Yes I mean it love. Do you think I would joke around about something as important as this?" He shakes his head, "No you wouldn't." then he breaks into an enormous grin. "I'm going to be a dad." Jesse picks up the smiling girl. (Y/n) shrieks at the action and laughs at his enthusiasm. She was relieved that Jesse had been happy about the arrival of a child.

"How long have you known?" he asks after he settles down. "A month or so." she replies after catching her breath. "(Y/n) you should had told me." "I know, but I wanted it to be a surprise." she says sheepishly "It would have been a surprise either way." he says staring at her in a way that can only be described as love "I'm not sorry." "Well, let's go home. We have had a long day and this little one," bends down so that he could be at the same level as her forming belly and gives it a kiss, " needs to rest." he places his forehead on her stomach and stays there for a while. "I love you so much kid, and you aren't even here yet." The sight of her husband talking to their child filled (Y/n) with emotion. So much so, that she began to cry. She places her hands in his hair, playing with it sometimes helped her calm down. He stands up and cups her cheeks before kissing her. "Thank you my queen, for giving me such a beautiful blessing." she smiles, "Thank you my king, for helping me create this blessing." She takes his hand and leads him to the backdoor so that they can get home and rest.

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