Male! Megara x Goddess! Reader: Just an Act

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Part 2 of Male! Megara x Reader

*([N/y/n] means: Not your name)

"Let me get this straight. You want her to flirt with Hercules, seduce him and let him get in her toga just so that you can rule olympus? ARE YOU INSANE!!!?" "Morgan, Morgan, Morgan," Hades tries to explain, "It was you who suggested this idea. Besides, he will not get in her toga because she can say no to him. But just in case he does try something with her. I want you to be, like her bodyguard. You will follow them around and make sure he doesn't do anything to her." "Yeah but what if we get caught? What if they go where I can't follow?" they were arguing about this for another couple minutes. You walk to Hades' throne room wondering what all the noise was about. "What if he tries to touch her and I punch him, and blow our cover?" "You really love my daughter, don't you?" "What gave it away?" "You would've thought more logically if you hadn't."

You interrupt before he answers. "Father, Morgan, is there a problem?" "It's nothing (Y/n)," Hades glances at Morgan, "it's just that your boyfriend is nervous about the task, that's all. I'll go spy on Hercules, you both sort your plan out." he leaves the two of you alone and gives a talk-to-her look. "So... you're nervous about this huh?" he sighs and puffs his cheeks, "I guess I am. I just feel like Herc is going to figure out our plan and do something to us." "Hello! Do you know who he is dealing with? (Y/n), daughter of Hades and Persephone goddess of nightmares! If he tries anything with either one of us he is going to see his worst dreams come to life. We'll be fine Morgy." "Yes but, what if he charms his way into your heart and you forget about little old me." He murmurs a bit and looks down. So this is what he's afraid of. He's scared that I'm going to leave him just like his previous girlfriend did. The thought makes you sad. Did he think that you were going to be just like her? "Morgan, I'll never forget about little old you. I like you. Like-you like you. I can defend myself from him and I'll have the world's best bodyguard there is, right?" "Right." "Now don't you worry, everything will go as planned."

~Le Timeskip~

Almost nothing went as planned.

Everything started off great. You were standing before Hercules, or rather tied before him, with mild "cuts"- they were a work of the magical Mist. The plan was to have you act like a damsel in distress until Hercules found you and saved you. Then you would flirt with him and get to know his strengths and weaknesses. It sounded easy, but it wasn't. Your father was watching from his lair, and Morgan would be hiding nearby keeping a close eye on the both of you, not that he didn't trust you of course. In fact, you were the only person that he trusted, however he didn't trust the demigod. Morgan thought that Hercules would hurt you, or try to do something that you were against while you were tied up. He seemed to forget that you were a goddess and could defend yourself from him and and from anyone else. Still, his protectiveness was flattering, and it was cute when his eyebrows would get scrunched up from worrying too much.

"Somebody!" You cry, "Help, please! I'm tied to a tree and I can't free myself" you yelled in the most pathetic attempt to a frightened voice. Cue Hercules riding up to you in his pegasus. "Fair maiden, are you alright?" Does it look like I'm alright? "Yes, I'm fine. I just need help freeing myself from these ropes. Could you help me, please?" He starts to untie your wrists that were bound behind you.

"Thank you," you say, "It's so kind of you to help a poor commoner such as myself when you are such a celebrity in Greece. "It's... it's really no problem to help a beautiful lady such as yourself." he starts to blush slightly and turns his face so that you don't see him. Aww! That's cute! Sorry to break it to you bud, but I'm taken. Plus you're my dad's enemy so...

"So... what's it like to be the most praised man in Greece? To have all of the women fall at your feet and do as you command? I must be real nice to actually have someone who looks up to you." He chuckles nervously, "Well I wouldn't say the most praised. The gods seem to take that title, but I'm pretty close. The women are great, very friendly and amazing." You nod while fake pouting, "So, does that mean that you found someone that interests you?" you leaned to the side a bit to make your strap fall and expose your shoulder. "Someone that captured your heart?"

Hercules turned beet red and tried to look away as you put your hand on his cheek. "Don't look away. You can tell me." The voice you used was a work of the Mist to help it seduce Hercules, kind of like charmspeak. He was weak to the knees as you inched closer to him. "I promise I won't tell, hmm. Was it me?" you smirk. "Y-yes."

"(N/Y/N)! What do you think you are doing!?" Morgan yells. No! You internally groan. Please not now. But you had to figure something out before he ruined everything. "Brother dear," His gaze faltered at the word "brother". "Don't you see I'm busy." Your lips smiled, but your eyes were warning him to stand down.

"You seem very busy alright. But I don't think that this is what our father had in mind." "Our father wanted me to find someone to be with, and I believe I have, Now if you could please return to guarding the cattle that would be great. We don't want Hercules here to think that we constantly fight now do we?" he stormed off leaving you behind. You didn't regret say those things. He should have remembered that it was all an act.

Herc spoke up, "He was your brother?" "Yeah, he seems more like an overprotective boyfriend if you ask me but whatever. I understand that you might be wary of him, but please don't let this ruin what happen earlier. He usually scares off any possible suitors. I often feel like I end up alone if he keeps this up." you huff. "He didn't scare me off, you know what I have faced? I've destroyed the Nemean Lion, the Lernaean Hydra, captured the Ceryneian Hind and I've captured the Erymanthian Boarl. I don't want to brag but I'm pretty awesome." But you'll never beat Morgan. "Wow. That's... that's amazing! Is there anything that you can't do?" you exaggerate. He beams.

The two of you walked around for a couple of hours. He mostly talked about himself and his accomplishments, you thought it was bragging. Herc didn't seem like a bad guy, he just tried too hard to impress you. Maybe you would pay him a visit at night to see what his nightmares might be but for now you had to seduce him.

"You really are a wonder boy aren't you? Let me ask you something, are you just as good in other activities?" your gaze trails down below his belt. "I erm, heh, I-I wouldn't know." "You've never tried?" you ask surprised, "That's... different." "Is... is it bad?" he hides his face in his hands. "No, it's just rare, most guys would have been with a woman before, but if you haven't it's no big deal. You've said before you aren't like most guys anyway." He gives you a shy, sweet smile.

"(N/Y/N)!!!" you roll your eyes. "Hello, brother o' mine. How do you do?" "Father is looking for you he asks for you to come home this instant." Morgan grabs your arm to pull you up from where you were sitting near a fountain with Hercules. "Could you wait a second? At least let me say bye to him." "Bye kid, but my sister and I need to go." you yank free from him and rush towards Herc's side to give him a peck on the cheek. "I'll see you tomorrow okay?" "Y-yeah, okay." "Let's go!" Morgan urges, "You don't want to keep our father waiting."

Morgan and you were arguing the whole way to the hideout until Hades got involved. "Your comment wasn't necessary (Y/n)!" Morgan argued. "Really? I thought that it was a perfect way to get information out of him." Hades defended. "Well it wasn't," your boyfriend turned to you. "Never do that again. One thing is twirling your hair around your finger and another thing is making suggestive comments. How would you like it if I spoke that way to another woman that wasn't you?" "I wouldn't. I would want to rip that girl into shreds then continue on with you, but if it were for a mission I would contain myself because I would know it was an act." "Well this didn't seem like it. You were all over him praising him while he boasted endlessly about how he caged so many monsters and saved so many people. You treated him like the hero he thinks he is and then pretended like I was your brother! You never gave me half of the attention you gave him tonight." "It was an act. All of the smiles I gave him were just me thinking about us, you and I. Those words were meant for you. He isn't a hero until he gives everything up for those he loves. You gave up your soul for your beloved you are my hero, not him. So if you are still jealous about him, then I don't know what else to say that will get through your thick skull that I only care about you." "Jealous!? I wasn't' jealous! It takes more than that to make me jealous." His voice cracked a bit and his face went crimson which made you laugh. "Of course I was jealous." he barely mumbled. "Aww! Love, I don't mind. It's cute that you are protective over me." then your tone got more serious, "Herc and I are scheduled to meet up tomorrow. Please don't make a surprise appearance and scare the virgin away. This is just an act Morgan. Know that I will not rip your heart out, I will stay with you." "Always?" he asks. "Always." you smile.

(Hope you liked it. Requests are closed until further notice more chapters will come up soon stay tuned my pandas. ❤❤)

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