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Narrator's POV

"Please, Doctor!" Sparrow begged. "Just try!"

"Sparrow, the Tardis wouldn't be able to travel through to that universe," The Doctor told Sparrow. "Even if the Tardis was able do that, it could change the space-time continuum."

"I know that, Doctor, but it was be best thing that has ever happened to me in my lives!"

"Sparrow, if I could get you there, we might be stuck there forever."

"That wouldn't be so bad, though."

"No, Sparrow."

. . .

It was 12:00 at night, Sparrow crept up to the Tardis' controls. She flipped some switches and pressed some buttons. The Tardis started up, Sparrow flipped another switch. She knew the Tardis was traveling through space and time.

"It's working!" Sparrow mewed.

But suddenly, the Tardis started sparking. The Doctor ran into the control room from another part of the Tardis.

"What did you do?" The Doctor yelled.

Before Sparrow could reply, the Tardis' door opened. Air was being pushed out of the Tardis.

"I'll close the door," Sparrow meowed, moving closer to the door of the Tardis.

When Sparrow was at the door, she couldn't keep a grip to the floor. Sparrow unsheltered her claws and sunk them into the floor.

"I can't close it!" Sparrow shrieked.

"Come back then," The Doctor said.

Sparrow turned around to walk back to The Doctor but the air force pulled her half way out of the Tardis.

"My claws are slipping!" Sparrow shrieked.

"I'm coming," The Doctor said.

The Doctor started coming closer but Sparrow's claws were getting looser and looser on the floor of the Tardis.

"I can't hold on!" Sparrow was now almost completely out of the Tardis and her claws were about to lose their grip. "I'm losing my grip!"

When The Doctor was almost there, he grabbed onto the stair rail with one hand and reached the other to Sparrow.

"Hold on a little bit longer," The Doctor urged. "I've almost got you!"

"I can't hold on anymore, Doctor!" Sparrow shrieked, suddenly she was pulled out of the Tardis and sent flying into space.

"Sparrow!" The Doctor yelled. "I'll find–"

Sparrow didn't here anymore, she was blacked out.

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