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I meander down the corridor towards the cafeteria, dragging my white leather bag from the strap. The walls of the corridor were the colour of a tainted white board, while the floors are beige. The walls and floor almost blend in with each other. I feel like I'm trapped inside a rectangular tunnel with no end.

Reyna walks with me; she talks about the architecture of whatever building was made by the same architect, Abraham Donovan, who also created the clock tower. The more Reyna talks about the clock tower, I start to realise how important that tower was to everyone in Havenwood. It seems like it is a prized treasure, the way Reyna talks about it. Everything Reyna talks about leads back to the clock tower and I hated it. She constantly reminds me of that night and that there may be someone who is trying to kill me. I jump at the little sounds I hear to only realise it is my own mind playing tricks on me.

This morning, as I was leaving the classroom, I heard a large screech of a crow as though it was gliding down to attack me. I jumped and covered my face with my arms but to only discover there was nothing in the room except for myself.

I continue to hear a loud whistle of the wind constantly as I walk to each class and I ignore it, knowing it's my mind trying to remember that night. But the noise would only remain. The mention of the clock tower always travels back to those thoughts I wish to forget. But Reyna makes it very difficult for me to forget. We stumble upon the large faded green doors of the cafeteria.

"But Abraham didn't design the cafeteria. Did you know that the cafeteria was originally on the other side of the school?" Reyna brings up. I open the door and allow Reyna to go through first before I did.

"No, I didn't," I reply. Surprisingly, I'm actually interested in hearing about the cafeteria. Mostly because she has finally changed the topic into something else that hopefully has no relation to Abraham Donovan at all.

"Well, it was. But after the science lab room was burnt down, it took the cafeteria with it. We ended up making a new cafeteria. So, this is actually the only building in the school that was not designed by Abraham Donovan." I resist the urge to groan. "Come, you'll sit with me and my friends," she says.

I follow her into the cafeteria. There are multiple round tables. Nearly all the tables were filled with people. Each person too engrossed in their own conversation. My eyes move onto a male, his cold green eyes staring back at me. I couldn't help but stare back. Something about his eyes makes my spine shiver.

He abruptly starts to flicker like a light bulb. I stare at him, trying to focus my eyes but he continues to flicker. His whole body disappears and reappears continuously and rapidly. I tightly close my eyes shut, shake my head a little before opening my eyes. I except the boy to disappear, but there he is. Not flickering, but looking at me with a frown. I feel my cheeks burn and I turn my attention away.

Something is definitely wrong with me. Reyna stops in front of a table, "Well, I guess the others hasn't arrived yet. Sit here and wait for them while I grab some food?" she suggests.

I nod, "Sure," I reply.

"Great. I'll be back soon," she says.

I take a seat and watch her heading to the lunch line. Reyna has been with me every time at school. She's glued beside me except for class. I never met any of her friends; but she does talk about them a lot.

I look around the cafeteria. I could hear most of things everyone is saying. I hear the girl on the table beside me ask her friend, "Did you hear about what happened last week?" I hear a boy, two tables away from me saying, "The game was amazing." More I look around, the more I hear people talking about their weekends, their classes, other classmates and so on.

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