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I stand there, unable to move. His expression doesn't change for the next five minutes as we both stand there staring at each other. Only difference, Lucan is angry whereas I'm terrified. What do I say? Did Melissa tell him everything? I look around trying to figure out a method to get myself out of trouble.

Everything happened so quickly that everything came in a blur. What was Draven going to do to me if it weren't for Lucan coming in? Melissa warned me and I ignored her. Reapers are not prevented from harming their summoner. The way Lucan jumped in and tackled Draven, a sick thought drops into my mind. What if he was going to kill me?

"How could you be so reckless?" he roars with anger. I flinch and take a step back. "You could've been killed. Reapers are dangerous and he could've killed you in a blink of an eye."

I stay quiet. Lucan heaves in and out. What do I say?

"Melissa warned you and you didn't listen to her! You should've waited for me!" Again, the yelling. "You should never try to face a Reaper on your own, do you understand me? What would have happened if Melissa didn't warn me in time?"

I furrow my eyebrows. "If I waited for you, you wouldn't have helped!" I yell back. I'm shocked to my own voice coming out strong and confident.

"Of course, I wouldn't have. The visions of that wraith is a lie!" he yells back.

I shake my head, "You're wrong! How could you jump to that conclusion without even checking?" I scoff with shock.

"We aren't. Jaxon is looking into it," he says.

"How is that enough? Jaxon doesn't believe it, so what makes you think I can trust him enough when none of you even trust me!" I yell.

He doesn't say anything and averts his eyes. His anger is gone.

"I don't know where Jaxon went but wherever he went was pointless because that reaper just confirmed Reyna's vision," I say.

Lucan lifts his head to me. After looking at my eyes for a few moments, he shakes his head. "No, that's not possible," he mumbles to himself.

"Clearly, your method was pointless," I add.

"I'm sorry," he mutters.

I watch him as he looks at the ground, genuinely disappointed... at himself? I can't tell. Reading Lucan is difficult. I wish instead of hearing the quietest of sounds, I could hear his thoughts. Instinctively, I take a step towards him.

"Will you help now?"

He shakes out of the trance, "No," he says. I stop in my track. "What you are doing is ridiculous. Just because a Reaper told you doesn't make it true. They can't see the future."

I groan with frustration, "Why are you so stubborn?" I yell.

"I'm only thinking logically. A simple warning from a wraith isn't sufficient," he yells back, defensively.

"How could you be so stupid?" I growl again.


"You're supposed to be a Protector," I cry with frustration, interrupting him.

"I am. I am protecting the living from the dead."

"Well you are not acting like it!" I retort. "You said we're the bridges to life and death and that means you protect both sides not one. That is your duty, to protect both the living and the dead."

"The dead doesn't need protection."

I find myself walking towards him, "They need as much protection as any living person do. The dead are scared of what is coming and that means you should be the first one to make sure they feel safe." I was yelling at him, screaming at him.

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