Tell tales

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It had been 2 weeks since we got together- 2 incredible weeks. We had to be sly though making sure no one would find out. Pj and Chris congratulated us- saying we were the perfect match and we looked so cute together and all that smushy stuff. Phil smiled, hooking his arm around me "I know I'm the most luckiest person in the world" He grinned pecking me on the nose. My stomach did one of those flippy things- the ones you hear about in the movies but It literally happened and it felt amazing.


We were laying on the grass- the Autumn sun beaming down on us. Mine and Phils hands were connected and so were Chris' and Pjs, we always went to the far back of the field so no one was bound to see us. We led there in a blissful silence, soaking up the happiness. Phil squeezed my hand, and looked at me grinning. "I'm so happy we're together" He whispered. "Me too" I squeezed his hand back. It was perfect. After laying for too long on my back I decided to sit up, grunting as I did so. "Oi don't go anywhere!" Phil pouted- he literally was the hottest and cutest person I knew, how he managed that I never knew. "Aha I'm not don't worry!" I laughed poking him in the ribs. "Ow!" He chuckled, pushing me. "Oh is that how you want to play?" I smirked, before leaping on him and pinning him down. 

I should have remembered he was stronger than me, pretty much as soon as I was on top he flipped us over, using his muscle in his arms to their full potential. I pouted playfully. "Not fair!" I moaned, crossing my arms tightly underneath him. "I hate you" I stated-obviously not meaning it.  "No you don't- you love me" He giggled mater of factly before taking me into a passionate kiss, sliding his nimble fingers through my locks, it was perfect until-

"Does your dad know you like cock?"

Me and Phil leaped off each-other in shock. "Fuck off Ritche" Phil spat, wiping his mouth with the back of his sleeve. "Aha you pathetic piece of shit- What would your father say if he saw you sucking off Howells face?" Ritche snarled, making his two followers, Kevin and Ross squeal with laughter. Phil stared at them, anger and hatred filling his eyes. "Leave me alone- you know nothing" I sat there quietly- silently praying they would just go and leave us alone. "Next time I wouldn't do that in front of someone who's father is best friends with yours" Richie smirked. "You wouldn't" Phil shouted standing up and facing Ritche , so they were eye to eye.

"Oh- I defiantly would"

A/N it's another one of them DUH DUH DUHHHHHH moments am I right? Sorry this chapter is really short as well, I've already up-dated once tonight so tada- feed back is appreciated thank you ^-^ 

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