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My mind was completely frozen as his lips moved in sync with mine. I was stunned at his actions, it confused me so much and I so badly didn't want to respond to his kissing. But for some reason I couldn't help myself...

He pulled away, lips were bruised and plump from the rather long kiss we shared, he looked breathless and well that was pretty damn attractive.

Blushing I quickly looked away, shuffling away from him and quickly lowered my gaze to the floor. I was extremely flustered and embarrassed, my chest was fluttering so badly though and I hated it because I didn't want to believe the new feeling that had now risen inside of me.

"You're a pretty good kisser" Mark stated, his gaze meeting with mine

I gulped and looked away "not too bad yourself, jerk"

Everybody was staring at either one of us and I felt uncomfortable as the stares deepened and seemed to etch onto our skin.

"Mark and Harley sitting in a tree~" Chanyeol began to sing

I frowned whereas Jackson grinned "K.I.S.S.I.N.G" Jackson sung

I blushed, bringing my knees to my chest and burying my head into them. "You guys are so annoying" I murmured softly

Mark grinned and wrapped an arm around me, pulling my huddled body towards him "don't be embarrassed"

I looked up hesitantly, my breathing hitching as I did when I saw his intense gaze burying itself deep within me. His eyes looked brighter than usual and that smile that was imprinted on his attractive face made me gulp back salvia. Why hadn't I have noticed his almost perfectly sculpted features?.

"Good look?" He whispered in a taunting tone making me get flustered even more

Groaning I pushed his head away "don't be such a taunting little boy"

He raised a brow "I'm a little boy?"

I frowned "to be perfectly honest"

He just rolled his shoulders back "more like an all grown up boy" he said with a grin

I clenched my jaw "you're incompetent"

He pinched my cheek "you're so cute when you're flustered and embarrassed!"

I blinked a few times before quickly swatting his arms away and scrambling myself up and rushing into my room.

Panting harshly I through myself on my bed, my body laying slumped as I hit the bed with my legs. I felt so so fluttery and I hated it.
Why did he have this effect on me? If I had caught feelings for him then I was more than a goner. You may as well call me a speck of nothingness.

Sighing I began to go deep into my thoughts, at everything that has happened between me and mark. And I can Honestly say that yes he has his perks. But he is such a jerk it's unreal.

"Heya princess" a familiar voice purred causing goosebumps to form on my skin

"Go away" I grumbled as I let out a loud, long sigh.

"Listen, I'm sorry. But you looked so damn cute. I couldn't help myself-

"Mark stop!" I snapped

I quickly sat up, my hair falling infront of my face "you're doing this to hurt me aren't you?"

Mark seemed confused at what I had said and tilted his head slightly. "Why would I do that?" He questioned

"Because- that's all you're known for Mark" I said quite coldly

"That's alittle harsh..." Mark replied in an almost saddened tone

I sighed "listen, I'm like this because you can't use me okay? I won't let you. You don't have feelings for me? So please if you don't then let me be. Don't flirt with me..... And especially dont kiss me"

Mark looked taken back "and if I genuinely like you."

I furrowed my eyebrows together "that's more like a question than an answer Mark-

"Just answer me."

I bit on my lower lip "then you would have to prove that to me. You would have to insure me that it wouldn't be one of your usual acts of dating someone and then leaving them. Or playing with someone's feelings for your own beneficial and selfish reasons. You would have to prove to me that what you harvested was feelings and not pure boredom or lack of human connection"

"Then I will prove it to you" Mark stated matter o factly

My eyes widened "wh-

"I will prove to you that I truly have feelings for you. That this isn't me being a what you call a 'fuck boy' and that what I say to you is real, what I feel for you is...what I genuinely feel"

"You're being absurd, you're drunk. Go to sleep Mark ?"

"I will prove it to you, you have my word" he murmured

I sighed and sincerely smiled "then Mark I will happily wait for you to prove me that what you say is true, and if you come out on the other end shining and gleaming of that truth and positivity that you want to show me then I will be waiting for you just as you're trying to reach me"

"Goodnight" Mark whispered as he smiled once more before switching off the lamp

I nodded "goodnight Markie"

Mark POV:

The guilt was brushing over me like a heavy storm, I felt sick at what I had said. At how much I had lied and forced this innocent and quite love torn girl to believe and have trust in words which meant nothing to me.
I felt like such an awful person at my actions but I honestly needed to do this. Otherwise what am I supposed to do? How am I going to have the girl who I have been waiting for, for years on end. How can I fall out of love with a girl who caused my heart to leap. Exactly I can't so I need to see her.

But.... I can't help but feel alittle warm sensation build inside my chest as I reminisced over the feeling of her lips touching mine and the feeling of her breath that fanned my face as she pulled away, that cherry face and big round eyes as I stared intently at her flustered features.
I felt intrigued by that girl in those very moments, and I felt quite captivated.

Living with my bully (Mark Tuan)||GOT7||Where stories live. Discover now