Chapter 6

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I flipped through the pages of the diary until I came to a piece of paper stuck between the pages. It had Keaton's name on it, and his numbers neatly written at the bottom. The hair on the back of my neck stood on end, and I knew Trisha was watching me.

'What do you want?' I asked twisting in bed, to face my sister who was hiding behind my door. She slid into the room defeated, and joined me on the bed. She looked like her usual self. Eyebrows, mascara and lipstick on flick. The first thing she did right after she woke up was her makeup. Makeup always looked natural on her, with her big bright eyes and cocoa skin. I on the other hand, inherited tight eyes from my father, and caramel skin, which showed when I was wearing makeup or when I wasn't. Nevertheless, I learned something from her, never be caught dead without mascara on.

'I'm bored.' She admitted, pulling the diary from me. I had forgotten about it, but I quickly snatched it from her. The last thing I needed was my big sister thinking that I was obsessed with Keaton. Or even her finding out I know his name, plus the diary showed a whole different story from the real version.

'Neleigh, you have a diary?' She asked looking at me suspiciously. 'You have a damn diary! You little snake! Can I read it?' She laughed trying to grab it from me. I shook my head and tried to look as threatening as I could. She had to drop it, or I would end up explaining the whole story to her. And to be honest, I loved the mystery. It made me less boring.

'Okay, I'll tell you one thing and one thing only.' I suggested, clutching the diary to my chest. It was beginning to feel like my own.

'I know the guy's name.' I admitted, smiling sheepishly. She frowned, which I had not expected.
'Keaton?' She asked looking at me like I was a five year old that just learned to count to ten. I stared at her in disbelief, and part of me almost threw the diary out the window. She knew the guy, and here I was thinking I was being mysterious.

'You know him?' I asked trying to hide my disappointment. What the hell else did she know?
'Yeah, I found a little information on him. No one comes in Suurbekom and survives the Trishaness!' She laughed throwing herself onto my bed.

'Really now? What info do you have on him?' I asked faking my curiosity. This had to be good.
'Well. I know that he lives in the southern side of Suurbekom.' She began, obviously waiting for me to beg her to carry on. I laughed that one laughter that made Trisha suspicious. It always got her. Then I walked over to my mirror dramatically like I had seen in the movies' and that was supposed to drive her nuts.

'You laugh like that, and I won't tell you a thing.' She warned, eyeing me warningly. I only laughed more.

'Trisha.' I began, turning around to look her in the eye. 'You can keep that info of yours, because I can get it from the horse's mouth.' I said, smiling teasingly. She pouted in confusion, and I couldn't play her little brain anymore.

'I have Keaton's numbers.' I said watching her reaction carefully. The look on her face was priceless, and I wished I would replay it again and again.

'Prove it!' She said, pretending to be really interested in her nails. 'Call him.' She added. I pulled out the piece of paper from the diary and dangled it over her head.

'You call him, just for fun.' I suggested. She snatched the paper, staring at me challengingly. 'And put it on loudspeaker!' I added. She rushed to the telephone on my wall, and dialled quickly. It rang for a few seconds, then Keaton's voice sounded, sending chills down my spine.

'Hello?' He said again, and Trisha held her hand over her mouth to keep from laughing.
'Anyone there?' He asked sounding confused. Funny how I thought he would've hung up by now, but he still kept answering.
'Aneleigh?' He asked and I quickly grabbed the phone from Trisha, and answered as calmly as I could manage.

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