Chapter 4

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'So...who is he?' Cooed Trisha looking at me like I have a huge secret that she needed to hear. I bit my lip at the thought of the guy. I did not know him, but I liked making Trisha curious, so I played with her mind a bit.

I remembered the very first time I saw him. I never really believed in all the soppy the one crap, but I, for the very first time in my life, actually thought that was him. The one. Weird right. I was always the tomboy of the family, but somehow, he had seemed to prove us all wrong. Of course I wouldn't tell Trisha that, I never told anyone anything like that.

'Why should I tell you?' I teased, getting up to look at myself in the mirror. My zits had returned full force. Sometimes I was absolutely doll-like and spotless. Then out of the blue, zits would be everywhere. Mostly on my forehead, since that is the part mostly exposed to the sun. Trisha looked at me partly disgusted by the fact that I had started to squeeze them, and partly because I wasn't giving her anything about the hit guy.

'He said he would see you on Monday!' She reminded me rudely. 'I'm not dumb, so I know you know him.' She added joining me in front of the mirror. I shrugged and walked back to my bed. The last thing I needed was my hot big sister snooping behind his back. Besides, he didn't seem interested in her at first sight. I shrugged and sat on my bed.
'We use the same train, Trisha, so we're bound to meet on Monday. One way or another.' I answered sarcastically. I added that that's that tone in my voice, so Trisha gave up and walked out of my room.

The sun shined through both my windows as if It was calling me, so I stood up and walked to the window and gazed at the beautiful view of Suurbekom. My moment of relaxation was distracted by Jade who walked out of the house next door. I had always hated Jade, but hate would be a very strong word. Jade and I had this love-hate rivalry, which I didn't even know the cause, but we just did.

She was wearing an oversized sunhat, and she stopped to admire herself, the old Jade way. Her long blonde hair fluttered in the morning breeze, and she flipped it in satisfaction. I touched my own crop if short hair, and sighed in defeat. So she had great hair, whatever. Jade was wearing the tightest and shortest pair of shorts, and a tight little crop-top, both were a light shade of red. I couldn't quite see her shoes from my window, but I knew, just by knowing Jade, that she was wearing something really high.

She looked up at me as if I'd said something and I felt the awkwardness already, it was even more awkward when she waved at me. I hesitated, but I waved back. She started walking closer to the fence separating our yards. Why had I gone to the window again, whatever the reason, I regretted it instantly.

'Hey Layla!' She called, looking up at me.
'Aneleigh.' I corrected. She flipped her hair which was her way of saying "whatever". 'Something like that.' She said still looking at me. 'Could you please do me a favor?' She asked using the kind of voice she usually used with guys. I leaned against the window, waiting for her to continue.
'Will you?' She urged staring up at me, her glossy lips slightly open. I shrugged. 'Maybe you should tell me what it is first.' I argued. She flipped her hair again, and looked at the ground.
'Here's the thing.' She began. I raised my eyebrows wondering if I was gonna like whatever it is that Miss Thing, was going to ask.
'I need someone to accompany me to the mall.' She finished, tapping the fence in emphasis. I sighed, relieved that she didn't want me to hook her up with one of my cousins again. I remembered when we used to go to primary  school together. I accidentally told her that I had a crush on our class clown, Jesse. Jade used my little secret against me, and threatened to tell the whole class. She wanted me to hook her up with my cousin, Dashawn. I remember how that relationship went. Let's just say, they were like oil and water.

'Where's Eunice?' I asked, surprised that her little partner in crime wasn't around. Eunice and I had once been friends, but we were from two different worlds. So the portal closed bit by bit, until there was no way between us, just the cruel universe. Jade, being my rival, recruited her.
Jade shrugged and quickly changed the subject. 'Layla, will you help me or not?' She asked, folding her slender arms in front of her. I sighed and nodded slowly, after all I had nothing to do today. She squealed happily, 'You are a star Layla!' She giggled. 'Aneleigh.' I reminded her, also flipping my short hair, as I turned back into my room. 'Whatever.' She called after me.

'First, I have to stop at clicks for sunscreen, and then we can go to Mr. Price for a fabulous straw hat.' Said Jade, ticking the imaginary list off with her thin fingers. She looked at me for approval, and I just nodded mindlessly.
We walked into clicks, and I felt my wallet call out to be emptied. I remembered why me and Trisha always argued when we went to the mall together, I spent forever at clicks because they had the most gorgeous makeup! I was in love with their mascaras and lipsticks, even though our school rules were totally against makeup. How on earth would they tell the difference if I never wore colours that stood out?

Jade went right past the makeup, and headed for the skincare aisle. I decided to wait in makeup aisle, since I was so uncomfortable with my skin. Besides, nothing in there actually worked anyway. Jade returned with a bottle of sunscreen, and waved me to the counter. We stood in the short cue for a while, until it was our turn. We paid and went on to the next store. My heart bled at the thought that I'd left clicks without buying any makeup.

Mr. Price was another store I loved. Their jewelry killed me, but as usual, I couldn't buy anything. The money in my wallet was for emergencies, and jewelry wasn't an emergency. I decided to wait by the entrance and let Jade go in alone, to avoid spending money unnecessarily. Jade spent no time in the store, and came out with a bag full of colourful sunhats. She handed me the bag, looking all suspicious,  and  she walked away without a word. I shrugged and walked on behind her, she reminded me a lot of Courtney.

Courtney was this girl I had an on and off relationship with. I wasn't really sure if I was really homo, or if it was just a phase. Courtney and I had loads of fun, but she was a little too mean girl for me, and the whole thing was actually experimental really. she would be all over me one minute, then she would be totally recessive, and no one would tell if we were a thing or not. Jade was a lot like Courtney, and we ended in a very nasty way. Let's just say, she wasn't exactly lesbian either, and I found out by getting my heart broken.

'So what exactly happened with Eunice?' I asked, stretching my legs out in the short grass. We were done shopping, and we lay on the grass in the park. Jade was testing her sunhats. She shrugged and looked at me challengingly. 'What happened with you and Courtney?' She asked. I stared at her in disbelief. She knew very well that Courtney was a sore spot, besides, she and Eunice were not like me and Courtney.

'We broke up!' I answered, sitting up straight. She had to be kidding me. 'Are you telling me that you and your best friend were dating?' I asked sarcastically. She laughed a rehearsed laughter. 'God, no!' She managed to laugh out. I rolled my eyes. It offended me that she thought that having a girlfriend was against God. Or was it? Anyway, nothing Jade said was ever right, so I ignored her. She lay down next to me and covered her face with her hat.

'She broke up with me, the best friend way.' She added. I felt bad for her, after all, Jade was never alone. But part of me was doing a little happy dance. Jade had stolen every friend I had in primary school, except Tasha. But she and I were pretty much similar now. Except for the fact that I could become friends with anyone I wanted, but no one would dare become friends with Jade. Plus, I had friends. Not best friends, but friends.
'Geez, I'm sorry to hear that.' I said staring at her hat covered face, I knew she could see me even though I couldn't see her. She shrugged and laughed.
'Spare me the sadness, Layla. I'm better off on my own.' She said. 'Anyway, thanks for accompanying me to the mall.' She added. I decided to let her call me that, she didn't seem to care anyway.
'Pleasure.' I answered. She quickly removed her hat from her face. 'Are you hitting on me Layla?' She asked raising an eyebrow.
'God, no!' I laughed, holding my chest. 'Did you want me to?' I asked looking at her suspiciously.
It was her turn to look surprised. 'God, no!' She laughed too. I lay back on the grass. 'Good.' I said. The last thing I needed was Jade developing a crush on me. I'd seen many people suffer just because Jade had her eyes on them.

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