Chapter 7

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'See you tomorrow then, Mrs. Jackson.' Laughed Mona, as she stood up to get off the train at her station. I was all alone again. Luckily, I was getting off at the next station. Mrs. Jackson? Mona was so cheesy, just like the Aneleigh who wrote the diary. My mind went back to the diary, and I remembered that I had forgotten to take it to school with me. Trisha was always snooping in my room, and I knew she would be looking for it, just to see what Keaton meant when he said I'd written about him in my diary.

It had been a week since Keaton and I had begun going out, and I still hadn't solved the diary mystery. Keaton on the other hand seemed pretty convincing when he denied having anything to do with the diary. He probably suspected that I was just lying about not knowing where the diary came from.

I got off the train, and fastened my backpack straps tighter. I had to hurry home, or it would be too late. Trisha was so absent minded that she might have been reminded by the train horn, and she might be going to my room right now.

I put in a little jog and stooped halfway through the shortcut. My stamina was giving up, so I just walked home.

The front door was wide open, but neither of Mom's or Trisha's car was in the garage. I stood outside not knowing what to do with myself, then I decided to go inside and check what was going on. The house was totally quiet, and I suspected that maybe one of them had forgotten to lock the door.

I checked every room downstairs and found nothing, so I felt a little calm. Maybe nothing was wrong after all. I was about to sit down on the couch when I heard footsteps coming from upstairs. I stopped and froze for a second, but the footsteps kept sounding upstairs. I slowly made my way to the stairs, and stopped again when I heard voices arguing upstairs. Did Trisha have some company, but where was her car? Maybe she had an accident again, and one of her friends had to bring her home.

I stood in the hallway, and heard that the voices were coming from my room. So she was at it now, and she recruited someone to help her with invading my privacy.

I hurried to turn the doorknob, but stopped when I heard a male voice coming from inside, then there was silence. What was this now? A new boyfriend? I remembered when Trisha used to bring boys over and hide them in my room. Mom had found out and made it very clear that she would lose her car if she ever did it again. Plus, I was almost old enough to get a driver's license, so I would probably get the car.

I decided to eavesdrop a bit and get the full story. The footsteps sounded again, as if someone was pacing up and down my room. There was a long silence, so I opened the door and prepared to bust my sister. The problem was that when I entered the room, it wasn't Trisha I saw. Two strange looking men were standing near my bed. The tallest one was pacing up and down the room, and he looked angry. I turned to  run out the room, but the other one caught up with me. His hands gripped my arms and I lost my balance. He scooped me up effortlessly, and put me back in the room. The tall one locked the door with the key dangling from the inside.

He made his way to me, and my heart beated brutally in my chest. It felt like I would puke it out. The short one still had my arms in his hands.

'Scream all you want, no one will hear you.' Warned the tall one. I pursed my lips at his dumb gesture to scare me, I wasn't screaming anyway.

'Now, where is the book?' He asked getting too close to me, that I could smell his ratty breath. His face was to hairy, so I suspected that he was an ex-convict. These two were probably in the news this morning, but like my Mom always said, I never listened when I had to.

'What book?' I asked scrunching my eyebrows innocently. He immediately went into violent mode, as he reached his hands to my neck and held on tight.
'The book, or I'll kill you and still find it.' He snarled, revealing abnormally sharp teeth. The dude reminded me of an animal, but my mind was all over the place, and I couldn't remember what he reminded me of.

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