Chapter 9

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We got off the train, and I spotted the girls exiting the coach after the one I'd gotten off from. I waved them over urgently. They hurried to me, worry written in their eyes.
'You look like shit.' Mona gasped. She looked at me with big eyes as if I was dying. I shook the insult off, and signed for them to keep moving. We walked quickly until we reached the street leading to my school. Brianna stared at me questioningly, and I stared at the ground.

'Have you guys heard anything?' I asked secretively. Mona rolled her eyes. ' The death of the mayor?' She asked insensitively. chills went down my spine.
'Yes. What happened to him?' I asked feeling sorry for him suddenly. Both Mona and Brie shrugged.
'You know how mixed up messages can get, in our area.' Said Brie' cluelessly. I looked from her to Mona. their side of the area was less dispersed, so word travelled quickly.

'Give me anything, I'll figure it out.' I pleaded, sounding a little too desperate. Brie' looked at me suspiciously. 'What's it to you, Neleigh?' She asked raising an eyebrow. The morning breeze blew my hair, and I pretended to fix it just to avoid her question.
'Huh?' Urged Mona. I sighed in defeat, and shrugged dismissively. 'I just want to know. The poor dude is dead, and I'm tryna figure out why.' I defended myself. 'OK.' Said Brie blowing her long hair away from her face.

'Well, some say he was stabbed to death.' Answered Mona kicking a rock. I sighed in relief. 'Who on earth would do such a thing?' I thought out loud. At least I was out of the firing line, unless I had done it without realising. After all, I was a killing machine. But since Musafir and the reflection's visit, I hadn't seen anything different about me.
'Some say it was an animal attack. Which makes sense since his house is in the woods, plus, he was found with a severely damaged head, as if something had bitten and scratched him. A bear maybe.' Said Brie, looking disgusted.
I froze. 'You saw the body?' I asked clutching my backpack uncomfortably. She shook her head. 'Mom and Grandma went to see it. They said it was bad, and whatever had done that to him was still in the loose.' She answered slowly. We stood there in silence as if mourning his death.

'You know, I think it was a wolf.' Suggested Mona, suddenly. I'd been looking at the ground, and when she said that, my eyes shit up at her, and she shrugged defensively.
'Wolves eat their prey, he was muled, probably by a bear.' Argued Brie, and I felt grateful that she was there to make me feel less guilty. I was dying to tell them what had happened to me, so they could understand why I felt like this. Musafir had made it very clear that I had to keep my identity a secret. Maybe if I gave them clues, they would figure it out all on their own and I wouldn't have to break the rules.

I started walking again, and looked back at them in a silent goodbye. 'See you guys later.' I said before hurrying to school.

My phone blinked and I saw that it was a text from Keaton. I sighed, and opened it.

Meet me at Keaneleigh this afternoon. It's urgent. plz.

I put my phone back in my bag, and looked around nervously. Luckily, no one from my class was from Suurbekom, so they wouldn't see me get all jumpy, and get suspicious. I decided to get up from my seat and go to the bathroom. I walked nervously down the stairs and every step I took echoed the beat of my heart. If these strange things kept happening any longer, I would surely get a heart attack.

I entered the empty bathroom and sighed. I was finally alone. I walked further into the bathroom, avoiding the row of mirrors, and I stood against the cold wall, my back against it. I leaned my aching head against it and sighed deeply. 'What am I gonna do?' I whispered.

'You could start off by washing your face, you look awfully sweaty.' I turned around hoping it was my reflection again, but my heart sank when it was only Courtney. She looked at me worriedly, and she made her way to me. I would have backed away if I wasn't against the wall, but I couldn't so I stood there and wished that she could disappear. She stopped and put her small hand against my forehead to feel my temperature. My body shook slightly at the feeling of her cold hand against my forehead.

'You're as cold as ice!' She exclaimed, folding her arms. I shrugged. 'I feel like I'm on fire.' I admitted. She raised her eyebrows.
'Girl problems?' She asked, applying lip gloss on her pouty lips. I laughed annoyed by her narrow mind.
'No.' I answered blankly. She put her lip gloss back in her skirt pocket. Then she joined me on the wall. She leaned against it too and spoke in a whisper.
'Boy problems? I heard you finally moves on, and it isn't with a girl.' She said. So she knew about Keaton.
'No, it's not a boy Courtney. I'm just tired.' I said obviously brushing her off. She giggled slowly. 'Chill, I'm just kidding.' She said, turning to face me. I looked away nervously, Courtney was crazy, and I knew better than to tell her anything.

Eunice walked into the bathroom, and froze when she saw us. Courtney got off the wall, and smoothed her skirt.
'See you around Leigh Leigh.' She cooed before strutting out of the bathroom. Eunice gave me a look and entered one of the cubicles. I got off the wall, and took Courtney's advice and washed my face. I patted it dry and looked in the mirror. I looked less drained, and I faked a smile. Eunice joined me in front of the mirror and she washed her hands silently.

'Skipping classes to chill with Courtney?' She asked without looking at me. I froze. What. I laughed quietly. 'She found me here.' I said. Eunice shrugged and looked up at me. 'What were you doing against the wall during school hours?' She asked folding her arms. I looked away. 'I don't feel too good.' I admitted. She looked concerned and she sighed. 'Sorry about your Mayor.' She said unfolding her arms. I shrugged.

'You seem pretty lonely Aneleigh, no one deserves to be alone.' She said, and I felt a story coming up.
'Except for people like Jade of course. She...She is the female devil.' She added laughing sarcastically. I smiled in agreement. I turned to walk away. 'Wait. If you need someone to chill with, Eunice is always here.' She said from behind me. I looked back and nodded gratefully. Then I walked out and headed back to class, as if I could trust Eunice again. Please.

Keaton's curly hair flew around wildly, and his eyes avoided mine as he paced around me. I stood up from the rock I'd been sitting on, and grabbed his arm to stop him.
'You're making me dizzy.' I laughed nervously. He looked at me blankly, and I knew it wasn't the right time for jokes. I let go of his arm and folded my arms in front of me. My tiny sundress fluttered around my thighs.
Keaton sighed loudly, and held his head in his hands. He always reminded me of a drug addict that couldn't stay clean for any longer. I raised my eyebrows in question, and he took my hands in his and looked me straight in the eye.

'I am leaving Suurbekom soon, and I don't know if you'll ever see me again.' He finally said. I closed my eyes in disbelief. 'What?' I asked taking my hands from his. My hair was also blowing in the wind now.
He looked hurt for a second, and I looked at the ground. 'I have to. I can't help it.' He said staring up at the now gray sky. I stood there hoping he would laugh and tell me it was a joke. He didn't. I sat back on my rock and folded my arms. 'When?' I asked. He shrugged. 'Soon.' He answered looking away. I shrugged. 'I see. So are you breaking up with me?' I asked. He turned to me in surprise. 'No!' He said, coming closer to me.

'I just thought you should know. You'll understand why I'm leaving, just not now.' He said, helping me up, and embracing me in his arms. I stood there without moving, as he pulled out of the hug, and turned to walk away.
'People like me don't belong in this place.' He added, hurrying away. He turned to look at me, then he climbed down the hill quickly. I sighed and brushed my arms to keep warm.

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