Chapter 8

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I turned in bed and opened my eyes. Part of me wanted to stay in bed all day, but I knew Mona was waiting for me. She was probably going to call me any minute now, to check if I was having any doubts. I groaned and kicked my blanket off, my head ached in reply, but I ignored it and got up anyway. I could smell burning eggs and I knew that Trisha was trying to make breakfast again. Mom had tried to teach her how to lower the heat after pouring the eggs onto the pan, but she always forgot.

I put my pyjama bottoms on, I never wore them in bed in summer because the nights were awfully hot. I slipped into my slippers, and went downstairs to rescue my sister.
She looked at me gratefully when I came into the kitchen and immediately shoved a pan filled with egg ashes.
'Could you throw that away for me? Thank you.' She said, cheerfully going on with her cooking. I took the kitchen in with one glance, and was surprised to see that she had everything under control except for the eggs. I tossed the ashes into the trashcan and climbed onto the counter to observe her carefully.
'What are you cooking?' I asked cheerfully. Her eyes lit up and I braced myself for the answer.
'Everything!' She answered cheerfully. 'Well, almost.' She added, looking far away. I walked over to the sizzling pots, and opened one. I immediately regretted opening the pot, as I saw my worst nightmare. Worms. Mopani worms. I felt sick. Even when they had spices and everything, I swore never to eat them. I gagged and covered my mouth, quickly replacing the lid. I didn't really know if I was afraid of worms or if they disgusted me.

'Mom loves them. She says they have a lot of protein.' She said joining me in front of the stove. I looked away as she opened the pot and stirred. She tasted the soupy water and smiled in satisfaction. I gagged some more and ran out of the kitchen. 'Be sure to come down for breakfast!' She called out after me. She had to forget about me going anywhere near that little buffet of hers. I made my way to the bathroom, and stood there in front of the basin, but nothing came. I washed my hands and looked in the mirror. I jumped back when I saw my reflection. It was me alright, but I had this evil sneer.

I knew my eyes had to be big in confusion, but the reflection stood there like a picture. I moved to the left and the reflection didn't budge. My heart banged against my chest, and it seemed to hit against my left lung, knocking the breath out of me. I started to move backwards, then the reflection spoke. In exactly my voice! I stopped.
'Aneleigh, it's only you.' It said. 'Do not be scared, I have some tasks for you.' It added. I looked around to see if anyone was watching, Trisha had always thought I was a little weird. She would use this against me in every argument. 'C'mere.' It said, waving me closer. I hesitated and slowly made my way to the mirror. It smiled at me, and I saw that I looked a lot prettier when I smiled. She then got this secretive look in her eyes, and I knew She would be telling me a secret.

'You know that you are on a mission right?' She asked looking into my eyes, or was I looking into hers. I nodded slowly. 'I think so, but I am a little confused here.' I admitted, letting the idea sink in.
'Why me?' I asked. She laughed loudly. I looked at her in confusion, it was very annoying to see that a part of me saw this as a laughing matter.

'Why do you look so surprised, first time seeing yourself in the mirror?' Asked Trisha standing by the door, looking at me funny. I turned around and faked a smile. I tried to say something to make her less suspicious, but I was speechless. She walked over to the mirror, and I turned around to see if my reflection was still there. All I saw was Trisha admiring herself. She smirked her lips and went over to the towel rack to grab a towel, then she walked out of the room. She stopped at the door. 'You look like you've seen a ghost. You okay?' She asked. I nodded, hoping she would leave. She shrugged and walked out. I sighed and went to lock the door. I hurried back to the mirror, and the reflection was there again.

'Who the hell is she?' She asked looking disgusted. I have to admit, that wasn't a pretty look on me.
'My older sister.' I answered urgently, I didn't want to talk about Trisha.
'She seems confident, if I didn't know you, I'd think she was the chosen one.' She giggled. I rolled my eyes  and looked away.
'Okay, let's get serious.' She said. 'Look who's talking?' I whispered.
'Have you seen the book?' She asked. I nodded. 'Have you met Musafir?' She asked again. I nodded, shuddering at the thought of the guy.
'What the living hell is Musafir?' I asked whispering his name as if he would appear if I said it out loud. She laughed again. 'He is exactly what you are!' She laughed rolling her eyes. I looked at her in confusion.

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