Chapter 10

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'So, you say this is a life or death matter?' I asked turning to face Keaton, on the seesaw. He was silent for a second, then he cleared his throat and said nothing.
'There must be some sort of solution.' I sighed and started rocking the seesaw. He put his foot down to stop it, then he stared at me as if he was finally going to tell me what was going on. I raised my eyebrows, urging him to speak. He looked away, and got off the seesaw.

'Lets do something different for a change.' He suggested, plucking a daisy from the flowerbed. I also got off the seesaw and followed him as he began walking through the park. He stopped and plucked the daisy into my hair shyly, avoiding my eyes. We both giggled, and I almost tripped on a rock.
'The football game will start in about an hour, my brother is playing.' He said. 'How about we go and watch the game, then I can also be able to drive him home after the game.' He suggested. I didn't like crowds that much, but maybe Keaton wouldn't mind if I watched from his car. Besides, football wasn't my thing anyway.

I nodded excitedly, Keaton smiled gratefully. 'But, I have to go home and leave the keys next door, so Trisha can still get inside if I don't make it back before her.' I said stopping to look at him hopefully.
'Sure, of course.' He said, twirling his car keys. We hurried to his car excitedly, and drove home silently. The only thing I could hear was the engine, and the soft beating of my heart.

I opened the front door, and we quickly made our way upstairs. I directed Keaton to my room, and we passed Trisha's open room. Keaton's eyes went wide and he looked at me questioningly. 'My sister's room.' I explained. He sighed as we passed it and entered the next room. 'I have never seen so much pink in my life.' He laughed, as I unlocked my door. Keaton hurried to one of my windows, staring admiringly at the beautiful view of Suurbekom. I hurried to my closet and looked for Trisha's oversized sweater, I had stolen two days ago. It wasn't in there, so she must have been in my closet again, and she must have taken it back.

'Wait here Keaton. I'm going to Trisha's room to look for something.' I said, hurrying out the door. We had only a few minutes before the game began. I stopped by Trisha's door and braced myself before entering the pink room. I walked in and headed straight to her closet. Sure enough, the sweater was the first thing I saw when I opened the closet. I grabbed it and was about to hurry back to my room, when I saw a new jewellery box in front of her mirror.  I hurried to it, and opened it slowly. Trisha had all kinds of jewelry in there. She had tiny diamond studs, and big colorful ones. She even had silver necklaces that looked like they were from some kind of enchanted movie.

Wait, I recognised these jewelry pieces. They were Mom's. So she had finally decided to give them up, and I wasn't the lucky one. I hadn't gotten even one piece. Daddy had been one of the most romantic men, and he always came home with some sort of bling. She had been holding on to the pieces as a reminder of Dad, and now she had given her most prized possessions to Trisha. That said a million words to me.

I put the pieces back in the box, and hurried to my room. I opened the door and held up the sweater. 'Found it!' I said cheerfully. I froze when I saw Keaton standing next to my closet, confusion written in his eyes, God's Curse in his hands. I dropped the sweater and hurried to him, snatching the book from his hands. 'What is this?' He asked, staring at me in disbelief. I held the book to my chest protectively. Who did he think he was invading my privacy like that. 'I was double checking if the sweater was in your closet, and I came across this.' He explained.
'Keaton, there is a reason why it was in my locked closet!' I snapped. 'It isn't in the mini library downstairs for a reason!' I added.

He looked at me in disbelief as if I'd just called his mother a bitch. 'What on earth is that thing Aneleigh?' He asked looking at the book in confusion. I sat on my bed in confusion. 'It's a book, Keaton.' I answered coldly. He sat next to me and stared into my eyes. 'Keaton, I can't  tell you anything.' I said, looking away. I stood up and put the book back in the closet, and locked it,stuffing the key into my bra.
'Your brother's game has already begun.' I said silently, and I opened the door so we could go out.
The drive to the school playground, was quiet and the only time Keaton looked at me was when he looked through the rearview mirror on the passenger side.
We reached the school and Keaton turned to me worriedly. I opened the door and got out the car to avoid talking. He got out too and we walked to the playground. Many teenage couples were perched on the bleachers and the game had already begun. We hurried to the empty part and sat down. A cold hand tapped me from behind, and I turned to discover Courtney with a challenging look in her eyes.
'Who is he Leigh Leigh?' She asked eyeing Keaton hungrily. I smiled challengingly, 'My new boyfriend.' I smirked. She nodded in defeat and sat back in her seat.

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