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My window is streaked with rain
And I can still hear your laugh echo
How unfortunate and fitting
That it only rains when you leave
It shouldn't be this way
It will always be this way
And in a way, it should be
With the warm but unwanted
Bursts of wind underneath
The blanket pulled over my head
For comfort and protection
Like a plastic blue umbrella
To match the soft singing rain
This whole thing serves no purpose
It only rains underneath
So I let the damn thing fly away
And let the rain lull me into
A restless dreaming sleep yet again
To wake only half way
And hopelessly stare out at the world
From the foggy windows
That lack to be cleaned since when
Because no one had bothered
When the world isn't beautiful to see
They just walk away and push it low
As we should do, it's best
But when I sleep I dream of things
Like a home with cleaner windows
And when I am parallel to the walls
From my long day in the rain
You'll be found with the rain sound
That sets me in a glass of ease
Like coffee and warm blankets
That pushes away the unwanted
Warm breeze of my weary lungs
And pull me into sleep again
But this time not to dream
Unfortunately, when I wake
Below the dull glass window
It reflects the hurt of purposelessness
Just as we are to this terrible world
That we are so enclosed in
And graciously served a part in
To shape my memories of gray
And beauty of the far-off-in-space
Thing called yesterday
In submission to hopeless sleep
I grant you permission to catch
My dreams and tear off my wings
When you wake me fill me with red
Of encapsulated bittersweet
To set the rain at ease for only
The shortest moment in space
Before, as expected, you take your
So feared and foreseen leave
While the creator of infatuation
And destruction lies beneath the
Breeze that tastes of blue plastic
Dreamless and unable to fly
But this was always meant to be

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