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There are a million
Ways to say watch out
Be careful
But yours is completely
Different than most
Yours is with
I'm sorry
As if everything ever done
Wrong is your fault
And you need to apologize for
Every little thing
And you really don't
But you don't care
Do you?
When I point this out
What do I get?
I'm sorry
Apologize for apologizing
But why?
Because they blame every
Single thing on you
Even if it wasn't your fault
Its just easier this way
Isn't it?
So no one will pick a fight
To make yourself feel better
Or think you're wrong
Instead of everyone else
Because this way there
Doesn't seem to be any
Consequence right?
But it's not good for you
You tear yourself apart
I'm sorry
But it was your way of
Warning me of the future
Be careful for me
Around me
With me
I'm quite dangerous
And I'll forgive you anyway
Because your deceiving eyes
Say the two words
That have become a habbit
And are so easily tossed around
Like they mean nothing
You really only say them
Because it helps you sleep at night
It gets you out of the traps
That you blindly step in
I'll break your heart
And apologize because
I'm just careless
And my eyes call for
All your sympathy
I'll tear you apart at night
I'm sorry
Is all you'll say
So you get away with it
And that's exactly what you want
The attention
The sympathy
You're dangerous but I stay
Because if I were to leave
I'd have to say the words
The ones you're so addicted to
The ones that leave the taste
Of bittersweet and poison
In your mouth that I remember
Tasting so long ago
So spare me and my broken heart
Some sympathy
Won't you be so kind?
No not at all
Because you never were
Never will be
And when I so hopelessly
Beg you to be
What do I get?
I'm sorry

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