color killers

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Do you know
How many murderers
Walk beside you?
Wandering freely
And you smile at them
As if you didn't know
The horrible truth
But the real truth is
We are all killers
Who tell each other
To either die
Or to stay alive
All we want to do
Is be free of life
And every one else
But we still fall in love
And let it tear us apart
Because we have found
That one person who
We would gladly die for
And they either
Do the same or
They stand by and watch
As you suffocate
In your own helplessness
Dyed every color possible
Because you think
They are the one
And you feel like they
Make you feel every
Color so vivid
Even in a dream
But really all they do
Is make you faded gray
And sometimes people ask
"Would you rather feel
Everything or nothing?"
From yellow to green
Blue to purple
Red to orange
But why would you
Ask such a stupid question?
Don't you know that colors
Can be a blessing and a curse?
Because when you are yellow
I could be yellow too
But you'd never let that happen
Why would you?
Instead I am blue
And the longer you stay that way
Then my blue fades to purple
For the thought of you leaving
And him being yellow with you
Instead of being with me
Your colors hurt my eyes to see
So much I'd rather see gray
Because you kill me
With your sweet smile
And when he is near me
He is burning bright orange
As I scream at him
What sounds like red
And is really just purple
That pleads with him
Not to take you away
To just leave us alone
He's the murderer that
Whispers at me to die
Can't he tell I want to?
More than anything
Because my blue light
Flickered out
And left me in the dark
I'd hoped so much
That you'd come and find me
Paint me yellow
Like a dandelion once again
But you didn't
You're like everyone else
In the sense that
You're a killer too
But that's just like me
Blaming you
Instead of pointing
Two fingers of my own
At my head like I should
Because I'm a murderer too
So why not just do it myself?
Too late for that
I'd wanted to be
Your favorite color
But I knew I couldn't be
I begged you forever
To please change your mind
But it never worked
And I'd faded to gray
Why don't you love me?
My heart is too blue
My eyes are too black
Mine actually look like
They belong to a killer
And they do
But everyone's eyes
Are a different color
Because they hide so well
Underneath the white sheets
And they keep their guns
In their pillowcases
And we are never told this
But somehow
In the backs of our minds
We know that everyone
Is their own kind of murderer

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